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I woke up groggy and with a sore neck. I jumped up looking around me. I clicked my tongue and hit the ground with my right hand.

"How did I allow myself to let my guard down?!" I yelled frustrated as with my left hand made a fist I hit the rock in front of me over and over again until I calmed down.

I got up from there and saw the rock, it had a pretty big crack in the center and it looked like it would break if you hit it one more time. I rolled my eyes and began to look around me trying to see where I was and remembering who had brought me here to break it in half.

It was surrounded by rocks, the air was damp and cold. I recognized this place... I was in Iwagakure! Why the hell was she so far away? Iwagakure is three days from Akatsuki's lair.

"I can't believe that you were going to use me as a sacrifice so that your redhead would be saved..."

"Shut up. I've lost my mind..."

Without wasting any more time, I started running towards Akatsuki's cave, each and every one of them was going to meet me, they were all to blame. Except for Itachi-san, he is never to blame. On the way I began to think who would be the lucky one to be split in two with my own hands. None of the Akatsukis were close enough to hit me, Pain was the only one close, but it couldn't be him since he was in front of me. If anyone had moved I would have noticed it; the only one with such abilities was... Zetsu.

"I will send that damn plant to take photosynthesis"

After running for three days without resting for any moment, I reached the entrance of the cave, which was now completely destroyed. Between I closed my eyes and began to enter the cave looking carefully at each space in it. A battle had raged here not long ago. There was black sand scattered throughout every space in the cave, plus thousands of different puppet parts were scattered across the shattered floor.

The only one who could use the puppets and said sand was Sasori.

Search with my eyes for any sign of unintelligent life, but I could not find anything. I walked a bit to get deeper into the cave and accidentally stepped on one of the many puppets, I frowned and looked down at my feet, finding myself not with a normal puppet, but with Sasori's body. I stepped on it again, but it didn't even react.

Was dead.

Whoever he fought against was not a strong person, he should have received help. Now I would like to know who that person was so that I could fight him or her and see if they were as lucky twice.

I left the body lying on the ground and went out of the cave in search of the redhead. He didn't know how long it would take to extract a beast, but he hoped someone had got him out of here alive, or even half dead.

I walked through the southern part of the cave and invoked my bird again, giving it directions to find it and inform me immediately, after my orders the bird took flight to the east of the cave. I left there concentrating to perceive any type of chakra, I spent a few minutes walking without any sign, my bird had returned to me a few seconds ago, when I did not find anything, I sent it to the other direction even with the hope of finding at least its corpse. Buffet before stepping on an insect that crossed my path, as if that had helped, I perceived a large mass of chakras accumulated a few meters in front of me, I began to walk in that direction with great care.

One of them was too huge, it was too unmistakable for me; like many of them.

I took a few more steps and hid my chakra at the same time that I hid behind a tree. Several shinobi were gathered around a body... her body... lifeless. I squeezed my hands and with that I broke the branch of the tree that I was holding, alerting everyone who would listen. I came out of hiding and automatically walked towards the body. Many drew their weapons to defend themselves, others simply had no idea who I was, and others just watched me.

When I was a few inches in front of the redhead again the feeling of regret surfaced. I hated this feeling.

I hated myself for feeling anything other than hate.

He hated myself for not saving him.

"Ne-san!" Naruto shouted in a tone of happiness, possibly trying to get my attention.

I did not look up and slowly knelt beside him under the incessant gazes of everyone present. Nobody knew what to do anymore. They didn't know what he was going to do.

"You are suicidal; did you know?" I growl after knowing my intentions.

Ignored her, ignored them all, and went on to do it. I raised both hands and put them on the redhead inches from his body, I couldn't even touch him. I stopped a sigh from coming out and began to focus chakra in my hands, trying to give my life for him.

After a few seconds of starting quickly I was interrupted by an old woman, who frowned after knowing what was happening.

"What do you think you are doing, silly girl? I do not know how you learned that technique, but you are still too young to perform it" she took my hands and put his in my place and she began to whisper "At least let me do it, you still have a lot to live"

After that little fight, she began to do what she was previously doing, I avoided frowning and put my hands on hers, piercing my chakra without her asking. I sigh and let myself do it, I didn't have enough chakra to finish it, I would die in the middle of it.

Everyone was in complete silence contemplating what we were both doing. I waited a few seconds and he started talking to me with a tired voice.

"You think I didn't realize it?" she asks, causing a confusion in me since I had no idea what she was referring to "You and Gaara have had a good time these last years" I stopped looking at my hands and turned my gaze to her surprised "They always passed it to her they talk do for hours while you tried to distract yourself with the sand. Do you think I didn't realize it? Do you think no one knew that you had infiltrated the village so that the two of you could hang out together? Nothing escapes this old woman" she laughed "I'm glad that Ga found someone special there"

"You're wrong. That special someone is not me; it is my brother"

She was able to give us away, but she didn't. And now it's helping me fix my mistakes. No one had been that good to me in years.

"You are wrong. Do you remember the time they named him Kazekage?" I nodded "That afternoon he looked strange, he looked depressed... Do you know why?"

"Thank you for attending" thanked the clone who had sent to accompany me.

"You don't have to thank, just don't call me again. Now you have to exercise the position of Kazekage, you cannot waste your time with me..."

I focused my eyes on the redhead again.

I whispered. "That day... I told him not to call me again..."

"Just... take care of him... I know you're not a bad person..."

And with that the old woman stopped breathing to fall to my side finishing both of them completing the jutsu. The air had left me for a few seconds, for a few seconds I had forgotten how to breathe. Gaara started to move slightly, so I very carefully left the old woman lying on the grass and retreated from there faster than I had arrived.

I'm in mourning x3, Sasori died, Chiyo died and Haruto died; -; ! I refuse to believe that he died: (

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I'm in mourning x3, Sasori died, Chiyo died and Haruto died; -; ! I refuse to believe that he died: (. I watched anime again after almost a year and they pay me with the death of my favorite character :(; total, I'm used to it. F.

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