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All the shinobi in the alliance stared in amazement at the Konohagakure renegade's supposed allies. Many immediately thought that it was a genjutsu because everything could be expected from a renegade, however, they could not understand why Kane would want to deceive an entire alliance and Madara who was also watching.

This sounded like a joke in bad taste.

The entire alliance in unison drew their respective weapons fully ready to assassinate Kane once and for all. One of the ninjas who were on the main lines ran quickly towards the enemy to finish her off, no one tried to stop him because his movement had been spontaneous and no one had managed to react in time. That ninja was stopped by Konan who had intentions to end his life, however, he did not do so thanks to the orders that Kane had given to all his followers before making an appearance on the battlefield.

He hadn't formed the plan that would lead them to victory so that someone would spoil everything by murdering a foolish ninja.

Konan allowed the ninja to escape and return to where he belonged. The ninja cowardly returned to the row where he was previously. Kane looked at the entire alliance feeling Madara's gaze on his back. Madara thought that Kane was there to end the alliance and finally give the shinobi world the unreal punishment it deserved.

Tsunade like several of those present were still stunned. She couldn't react after seeing Jiraiya in front of her, she was supposed to have died in battle, that toad had told her personally with a great pain in her heart, had she faked everything? Shikamaru, Ino and Choji, Asuma's students were in the same state as their Hokage, the three had witnessed the death of their sensei, and in the same way they witnessed how a huge rattlesnake appeared out of nowhere and managed to drive them away by disappearing. next to the corpse of her sensei. Had she planned everything?

Asuma and Jiraiya were in front of their students and classmates. They were both... alive.

Now it all fitted together for Shikamaru, who seemed to be the only one who managed to understand everything.

Shikamaru without wasting any more time managed to react first than his companions and his Hokage and began to run towards Asuma to throw himself into his arms and shed some tears that he could not contain. He sobbed into his shoulder for several seconds while the rest of the team was still waiting for some movement from Kane. They didn't trust her and they hadn't thought Kane was there because he had decided to change and make amends with the world.

She was a renegade after all, she had caused damage to the village. Why did she seem remorseful from one moment to the next?

Kane and the rest of his followers observed how Shikamaru had been the only one to understand his intentions and how the rest still could not understand, so not wanting to waste any more time in those reconciliations, he gave the order to move a few steps away from them, so that finally have those encounters Asuma and Jiraiya had waited so long for.

Ino and Choji, seeing that Kane and his followers walked away from them, ran to hug their sensei and never let go of him. His death had affected them so much that they still felt the pain like that day, however, now he was alive and they could hug him once more. The pain they had felt would take time to fade, but they would never let it go. Not again.

Tsunade watched Kane and his followers carefully, walking slowly towards Jiraiya without letting her guard down. Jiraiya had kept still all this time despite wanting to run to hug Tsunade like never before because he had not had the opportunity to do so since he had not been able to defeat his former student. When he saw Tsunade finally approaching him with slow and exasperating steps for him, he let out a desperate sigh and walked the steps that Tsunade needed to get to him, and without giving Tsunade time to get on guard, he opened both arms to hold her tightly.

They all had their happy ending.

Kane looked at Gaara who had not dared to move from his place, Gaara felt a look on him so he put all his attention on Kane immediately knowing that it was her look he felt. Gaara walked up to the side of Kane and the rest of his allies who were surprised to see how the Kazekage approached a renegade with such confidence.

Gaara wanted to talk to Kane to get answers about his behavior, but Kane didn't want Gaara to get close yet. She was still considered a renegade and until she cleared her name she would not approach him. He had no right to do so after all the damage he had caused her.

She did not expect Gaara to receive her with open arms after betraying him as well as her village, however, she was willing to do everything in her power to try to be by his side. She had to win the war first and clear her name if she wanted to stay by her side.

He gave Gaara one last look trying to convey everything he felt to him, it was still not easy for him to do so, but he hoped that he understood that he could not get close as long as his name continued in the bingo book. Her name was stained and she didn't want his to be too.

Jiraiya and Asuma after a while ended their encounters to focus on the enemy. Kane turned his eyes and saw for the first time Madara who did not take his eyes off him when he saw that he had betrayed him by joining the alliance just like Kakuzu who everyone believed dead. Like all those who accompany the renegade.

He made a death sign with his hand as he looked away from her. "You are dead..."

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