Goodbye akatsuki

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I watched as the people of the village came back to life after the sudden disappearance of Pain, Konan, and my brother. Thanks to this my plan was over and I could not carry it out until I found a way to end the life of the Senju. My plan was to use Pain so that he would finish her off for me and completely get her out of my way, but he just couldn't do it.

I didn't want my plan to come to an end, but it had. Now I had to create another one that didn't involve Pain, as he was completely useless and couldn't do anything right for me.

All the people in the village were recovering little by little and when they realized my presence they immediately left with fear reflected on their faces. I loved that, I really loved him, but now I had no time to admire his expressions, I had to finish the Senju while she was weak, otherwise it would be more difficult for me and I would have to turn to someone to finish her much earlier than planned.

Kakashi who seemed still somewhat dazed made his way through all the people in a hasty manner, first observing all the reborn who had seen me and had completely moved away from me. Without paying attention to anyone, I directed my sight to the Senju, who was in perfect condition to continue my plan right now despite Pain's rudeness a few moments ago, however, she was surrounded by ANBUS and other ninjas forming a barrier of protection totally complicating my work.

I sighed heavily and retraced my steps to pick up my mask, I looked at everyone angrily again, nothing had gone my favor today. The people who had died for me had come back to life wasting all my work from a few hours ago, I had really gone to great lengths to murder each one of them and now for some strange reason they had come back to life. The only good thing was the destruction of the village, it was one of the things she had planned for this mission and it had been accomplished, she was more than satisfied with the work that Pain had done with it, it was the only good thing she had done. He had managed to leave Konohagakure to nothing.

My brother was not here to stop me uselessly with his pained and hopeful words. So I took advantage of his disappearance to quickly leave there because I was not going to listen to Kakashi, I put on my mask even looking at them with anger and contempt, I turned in the direction of Akatsuki's lair to see what had happened with the mission that with so much enthusiasm and anticipation had arranged Pain.

I didn't hear any screams to stop me from Kakashi. Don't listen to any warning from the Senju. Hear no scornful shouts from the villagers. There was only the silence I needed in those moments, and under the silence I walked over one of the bodies of the destroyed paths and disappeared from the village on the way to Akatsuki.

Upon reaching Akatsuki's gloomy lair, I managed to perceive a strange familiar sensation, as well as feeling everything strangely empty. I went deeper into the cave and I could see in the distance three silhouettes observing me with the seriousness that characterized those of this organization. I walked a little more until I was facing them, who was in the center took a couple of steps forward leaving the shadow of the cave that would cover it thanks to the low lighting, I could finally see Madara.

"What happened to Pain?" I asked for.

"Pain and Nagato were killed by your brother" she responded leaving me completely confused, because I had no idea who Nagato was and my brother despite the circumstances did not have the ability to murder someone.

"Good. I'm not interested in knowing who Nagato was and I don't care about Pain, I was going to kill him anyway" I answered as I removed my mask, looking seriously at Madara, he wasn't going to care about my comment because he was also getting in the way, he was just a pawn more in our plans. He was not aware of my plans, but he did not have to find out, he only had to know that I was still on his side and nothing else.

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