Thirty million

11 2 0

Make the corresponding seals and enter the new lair of the Akatsukis. They were all there gathered in the center of the new cave; everyone except Sasori. They had sent all of us to speak, including me, to inform us about a change within a team. I lined up next to Itachi-san and waited for Pain to deign to speak.

"Well. We're all here" started "Everyone is informed that Sasori died at the hands of the Konohagakure..."

"Do you know who they are?" I asked in a serious voice and quickly. Pain frowned at my interruption.

I did not care in the least about his death and therefore it did not affect me, but I had to avenge an ex-partner, even if he did not give me completely the same.

"Sakura Haruno, a kunoichi from Konohagakure, a student of Tsunade and Chiyo from the red sand, a kunoichi from Sunagakure" Konan replied. I nodded crossing my arms.

"This will be boring..." I whispered.

Fighting the Konoha flat to the death would be totally boring and a complete waste of my time, but, I had to avenge Sasori.

"Okay" Pain continued, ignoring me "Due to an imbalance in the teams, we will have a new member in the organization."

"Will she be my new partner? hmp" Deidara smiled arrogantly interrupting Pain. "Let me tell you that you're not on Danna's level, but you're strong. So I'll let it go this time."

"She will not be your new partner Deidara" the named turned confused and frowning "It will be the..."

Before I could speak a raven masked man landed on the ground as he greeted us all animatedly.

"Are you my new sempai?" Madara asked with a childish and very loud voice "Tobi is happy to be here Deidara-Sempai! Tobi promises to be a good companion!"

I looked at him carefully, it was a complete sham, his attitude was a complete sham. I didn't know why I was here, but I still didn't care about all this.

I just wanted to destroy Konoha.

Pain looked in my direction. "Kane, Tobi. To my office now."

He started walking in the direction of the office with Konan following a few steps behind. Madara stopped playing with Deidara and started walking towards the office, jumping from time to time.

"Come Kane-sempai!" he turned around energetically.

I began to walk under the gaze of everyone, when I got to his side he stood behind me and began to push me in order to get there faster according to him. Once we were out of everyone's reach and into Pain's office he stopped pushing me and stood up straight, huffing.

"Isn't he supposed to be out of this?" I asked Pain. Before allying with Akatsuki they had made it clear to me that Madara would only stay in the shadows.

"That's right." said Madara "But be better than this in addition I used the death of Sasori to achieve infiltrate and thus not suspect my" I nodded in agreement "From now on, my name is Tobi, a ninja fool who does not know do nothing but hinder. Got it?" the three of us nodded "It is forbidden for anyone to say my real name, if so, they will be killed..."

Madara stared at me, trying to intimidate me for some reason.

"Kane-sempai! Tobi is happy to see her again! Tobi miss her!" upon entering the cave I was greeted by Madara's shrill screams.

The Akatsukis were assembled ready for extraction. Seeing me there, Pain gave the order for everyone to form up, without question everyone obeyed him immediately. Pain had called me to replace Zetsu, who had another job and couldn't give his chakra for extraction. I had been careful and on the way I implanted a seal, canceling all kinds of connection with Ena, so his chakra would not be absorbed into the statue as well.

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