Our why

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The life of a renegade is not the best of all, it is not the noblest or the one that everyone wants to choose, but there is something that, if it has, living outside the village means that we can finally have the freedom that within the walls of the villages we do not have. For two years I can do whatever I want on whoever I want. I don't have to worry about missions, I'm totally free.

Although my head now has a higher price than it had when I was ANBU, I do not care. This is what I dreamed of and I will not leave it because everyone wants to murder me and collect the reward.

Food had been in short supply for a long time actually, it was the only thing I complained about. Akatsuki wasn't very willing to share a bit of the money they earned, so I had to fend for myself as I used to before defecting. Although there it was easier to get what she needed, since everything was in the village and thanks to the missions she had enough money.

It did not belong to Akatsuki, so they did not spend money on someone who did not wear that cape and ring.

Stop to rest for a while. He had hours walking towards the village of Sunagakure. It was the closest village I had near my hiding place. When I had enough rest I resumed my way to the village. He had already infiltrated me a couple of times this year. Last month I was infiltrating Iwagakure, but after infiltrating a few times they increased the security, now because of that I infiltrating Sunagakure, so when they find out that I infiltrate that village, my next village will be Amegakure.

After a day I managed to cross the desert. At last I was at the edge of the village of the wind. Now came the most difficult part in my opinion. Steal supplies without being discovered. Despite being one of the easiest villages to infiltrate, it was the one that had the most guards scattered around the streets, it was really difficult for me to enter any warehouse and steal without being discovered. I put those thoughts aside and was driven by hunger. She had not eaten properly for almost a week.

I managed to infiltrate a warehouse in the village, grab some supplies of food for a week, and got out of there without anyone seeing me. Apparently the guards had decided to leave early on their shift, something I couldn't complain about.

Put things in a small travel bag that I had with me for such occasions. I hung it on my back again and walked out of there.

Reach the limits of the village. I sat on the hot sand since I had no other place and began to eat. I put the rest after eating and got up with the intention of leaving. I heard some footsteps coming from behind me so I decided to leave, trying to take a step I stumbled, I looked back and the sand rose up my leg as if it had a life of its own.

After a few seconds I was lifted up and hung upside down. I only knew one person capable of handling sand. And knowing that I am in her hometown, something tells me that it is her.

Again I heard footsteps, slowly a silhouette began to approach my position. After a few seconds I could see that I was not wrong in my assumption.

It was the redhead with those aqua eyes.

When he saw me hanging upside down while being held by his sand he was slightly surprised, I think he did not expect to see me there. Maybe I'll turn myself in and have a good time in prison.

"What... are you doing here?" I ask with a confused tone.

"Just let go of me and you'll never see me around" I lied avoiding your question.

He was silent for a few seconds until he gently released me. I got a little dizzy when I was back on my feet, once I stabilized I shook off the sand as we looked at each other.

How silly could he be? Much apparently.

"What are you doing here? I didn't see you come in. Are you coming for a mission?" I ask curiously

"It's none of your business."

Something in him had changed. The last time I had spoken to him was in the chunin exams, right at the invasion, when he caused the Shukaku's disappearance and defeat. Everything about him seemed different to me, his tone of voice, his answers, his gaze.

Everything about him was less indifferent than before, he no longer felt hatred emanate from him.

"If it's any of my business. This is my village."

"I thought you hated your village" I asked suspiciously. His answer did not seem correct to me for someone who had a deep hatred for everything, I would bet everything that he had not said that before, he hated his village as much as I did. What had happened?

Why did he seem to care now?

Curiosity had consumed me, I wanted to know the reason for his change. He wanted to know who or what had changed him and why. Resigned by my now great curiosity, I took a seat again in the sand before the incessant and confused look of the redhead. Without much encouragement I indicate with the look to her to sit down, she seemed to think it very well, so after a few long seconds she sat down next to me without taking her confused look from mine.

"Why?" I asked after a few seconds.

he tilted his head slightly still confused. "What do you mean?"

I huffed. "You changed your way of thinking, everything about you seems totally different to me than it did a year ago. Why? Your look of hatred towards everything is gone. And I could bet you would have preferred to murder me rather than just hold me back."

I asked again looking at the sky, there was no trace of clouds and the sun was burning my bare skin. I am silent after my words, I guess that was not expected, so I waited patiently, after all I had nothing

"he cleared his throat before speaking." E-Ehh. Well, Naruto was the one who helped me with it.

I opened my eyes wide without moving an inch. Was my brother responsible for it? How could that airhead totally change a person? That just didn't fit in my head.

"I know it sounds weird" I keep talking "But after you left us to our own devices, after our fight in the chunin exams, Naruto started talking to me, right then I realized how much I had done wrong. My behavior began to change as did my thoughts, a light began to shine in my darkness" sigh "Your brother changed me completely and I appreciate it."

I had thought about it before, but now I know that it is true, I will never understand my brother, not one bit. No matter how much time passes, I know that I will never understand him, nor he me. I ran my hand across my forehead wiping a bit of sweat. Before I can speak I continue.

"Let's put that aside" I looked at her strangely "What are you doing on the outskirts of Sunagakure?" her tone of voice didn't change, but she seemed to be more serious than before

I huffed after hearing his stupid question. I did not care if it was his village, I was just looking for some food since Iwagakure had closed its doors to me.

I blame Iwagakure for this.


Kane frowned after telling him my reasons for changing. I didn't believe it at first either, but Naruto gave me hope to go on and out of the dark path that I walked fourteen years of my life.

I consider him a great friend; he is my best friend.

Thanks to him I was able to change my way of thinking and I was able to change my perspective on the world. I know that the world is still cruel and ruthless, that will never change, but now I am not part of those people who wreak such havoc on world peace.

Let a few seconds pass, I ran your hand over her forehead and wiped off the sweat, I didn't let it continue and I kept talking, now it was my turn to ask the questions.

"Let's put that aside" turn her head and look at me strangely "What are you doing on the outskirts of Sunagakure?" I asked with my tone of voice a little more serious than it used to be

After hearing my question snorted, she was thoughtful for a long seconds while slightly frowning. After waiting a few more seconds, she finally decided to speak.

"Not a word of this to my brother. If you didn't end up several meters under the sand" he threatened me with a firm and sure tone

I nodded my head and so he went on to tell me his why.

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