Chapter 1

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"I never knew that you could have moonlight in your hands"

. . .

The hot liquid burns my tongue as I take a sip of my tea, reminding me once again that I should always wait before taking a sip and blow on the steaming cup.

The rays of sun hug me, its warmth comforting and relaxing my skin as I lean back.

I've always liked this: peace. Just me and the nature. A place where no one can bother me. In school, you can always find me in the library, hiding in some corner with my nose in the books. My best friend is always complaining about how I should make more friends, instead of closing myself off and 'hide my beauty' as she likes to say it.

But I never listen to her. I'm not changing myself to please her. I like the way I am. Even if I'm hiding that so called pretty body behind books and comfortable clothes, then so be it. I don't like showing off my body, because then I feel like I'm being judged by everyone who looks to me or who even glances my way.

But she loves me either way, even though she doesn't show it very much. And Chris never complained about how I dress or look. I was walking in school when I crashed into him and that he helped me with my books. Slowly we became friends and then he asked me out. He never said anything that I should dress up more or that I should put on some make-up. Because he knows that that's not me. And I don't know why, but I never saw myself as pretty. I always received compliments from everyone but never believed them.

I've always been so insecure and I don't understand why Chris wants me to be his girlfriend but he keeps telling me that I'm beautiful in his eyes.

But I'm still hesitant around him, wondering if his love is real. He can have as many girls he wants that can give him what he actually wants.


I'm not ready for it, and he knows that and respects it. And even though he doesn't admit it, I know that he wants a release. But I just feel like it's not the right time to give myself away.

Three soft knocks sound on my door interrupt my thoughts, and when I look up I see my mom entering my room, a big smile on her face.

"Honey, your father and I just received some news," she says and takes a seat next to me. "What is it?" I ask her.

"Well, your father received a message from an old friend of his. He's back in town and asked us out for dinner. Do you still remember a Vincenzo Amoretto?" mom asks.


I frown, trying to get memories from someone named like that. "No, mom. I don't recall someone named Vincenzo," I say. She nods.

"I'm not surprised. You were still a little child when they were friends. Your father and him were for a long-time business partners, but Vincenzo moved back to Italy to start his own company there," mom exclaims happily. Why is she so happy about this?

"And now he's back in town for some business and he invited us to come over for dinner. Maybe he can offer your dad a deal for work or something," mom says hopefully. Is she happy for this because we're in financial trouble? I'm not supposed to know that but I overheard a conversation between mom and dad. We're not doing that well and they won't allow me to get a job. 

"That's great!" I smile. "Yes, indeed it is. So, Vincenzo invited us for dinner tomorrow evening, is that alright?" she asks.

"Of course, mom, why wouldn't it be?" I ask her. She shakes her head.

"Just making sure," she winks and gets up. 

"I'll tell your dad that it's okay," she says and closes the door behind her. Closing my book, I take my cup of tea and take a seat by the window and look outside. My hand goes automatically up to my necklace and fiddles with it. 

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