Chapter 30

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"I'm young and I'm foolish, I make bad decisions. I black out the news, turn my back on religion. I'm somewhat naïve, don't have no degree. I'm broken, alone and afraid"

° ° °

The whole night I spent crying, hiccupping, and sobbing over one Italian man that has broken my heart.

"Athena?" mom says through the door, and I look up. "Y-yes?" I ask and try not to let my voice break.

"Are you alright?" she asks, her voice laced with worry. I close my eyes.

"I'm fine, mom. Just tired." And broken.

"Alright, if you're hungry just come downstairs," she says and I hear her footsteps walk away. The whole night his scent kept invading my nose, reminding me of everything that has happened between the two of us.

I feel so stupid for falling for him. For his charms and smile...

I should've known he was a player from the beginning and not think I was someone special who he would make an exception for.

All that has happened between us didn't mean anything to him. God, I gave my virginity to him...

Something that I valued so much.

Guess that I deserved this.

° ° °

The whole day I spent in my bed, watching movies on Netflix while stuffing my mouth with chocolate. But in the afternoon; I decided it was time for me to get out of bed, take a quick shower, brush my teeth and put some clothes on.

By the time I'm done, I walk downstairs, all freshened up. It's 4:30 PM, which means my lazy ass stayed in bed the whole day doing nothing except for crying.

My phone vibrates, indicating that I've gotten I message and I'm dumbfounded when I see it's from Chris.

Chris; Hey... I was wondering if we could talk?

Never in a million years, did I expect him to text me. I've figured he hated me and never wanted to speak to me again. But who am I to deny? I'm the one who broke his heart, so if he wants to talk, we can talk.

He deserves to know anything if he wants to.

Athena; Yeah, sure. At my place?

Chris; Yes, it's fine.

By the time the clock hits 5 PM, I'm waiting anxiously for Chris to arrive. Why would he want to talk? For truce? Or to say right into my face how much he hates me and that I deserve to die?

The bell brings me out of my thoughts, and I get up from the couch. I walk over to the front door, and open it.

My eyes meet Chris' blue ones, and I've forgotten how intense they could be. His hair is a little disheveled and he has grown a little beard.

It's cute.

"Are you okay?" is the first thing he says the moment he sees me. I chuckle. "I should be the one asking you that question," I joke, which makes him crack a little smile. "I can see that you've been crying, Athena," he says. I take a step to the side so he can enter the house.

"I'm fine, really. Do you want to talk in the living room?" I ask him. He nods. "Yeah, sure," he says. It's awkward between us when we walk towards the living room. My mom is showering upstairs and my dad is off to work.

"So..." I begin, and take a seat on the couch. He sits next to me. "I've been thinking," he says. 

"I don't know why you cheated on me, maybe it was all pent up sexual frustration you didn't know you had and was he the one who was with you on the right time," he says, and I see hurt flashing in his eyes. 

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