Chapter 18

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"Sleep, where you lay, still a trace of innocence on the pillowcase.

Waking up, beside you on my loaded gun, I can't contain this anymore.

I'm all yours I got no control"

° ° °

I wake up due to the sunlight shining into the room. Sleepily, I roll over in bed to find it empty. I frown; where's Vincenzo?

The noises in the bathroom answer my question. As I stretch my naked body on the champagne-colored sheets, I notice how sore I am.

"You're awake?"

I jump up at Vincenzo's deep voice, and look up to find him standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a towel wrapped low around his hips. My eyes trail down from his wet chest, down to his abdomen and follow the happy trail that leads to...

He clears his throat, causing me to snap my eyes up at him. "Good morning," I smile with a light blush covering my cheeks.

He walks over to the bed with a tantalizing smirk around his lips. "How did you sleep?" he asks and gets in bed with me. "I slept like a baby," I chuckle.

He brushes my hair to the side and cups my cheek. "Me too," he whispers before he leans in, and starts planting kisses in my neck. I hum in content and tilt my head to the side.

"How are you feeling?" he asks against my skin. "Just a little sore," I shrug, and press my lips together as he nips at my skin.

He hums and continues his assault on my neck. His hand slides down to my waist and holds me in place.

"You took me so well yesterday," he whispers huskily against my skin. Slowly, he crawls on top of me. He starts trailing kisses down my naked body.

With his tongue, he makes his way to my belly and kisses the skin there.

"You need to be rewarded," he says with a dark tone.

Suddenly, I feel his breath down there, and my eyes widen. I look down to find him already looking up at me, with a tiny smirk around his lips.

"What are you doing?" I ask. His licks his lips.

"I'm going to have a taste of you," he answers.

His head is between my legs, his mouth right in front of where I'm aching the most. I can feel his stubble slightly grazing my sensitive flesh, making me squirm at the surprisingly good feeling.

He closes his eyes and breathes in, causing me to blush. "Vince—"

I gasp loudly as suddenly a pair of wet, warm lips kiss my lower lips, his tongue parting them and giving a lick up my slit. He withdraws and chuckles, pressing a soft kiss against my clit.

"Hmm," he hums before he presses his head against my belly and lets his tongue do wonders down there. I trash my head side to side in the pillow, my hands flying in all the directions.

His tongue moves up and down my slit while sometimes pressing against my clit.

I buck my hips against his face and whimper his name. He hums against my heat, sending vibrations through me which causes my eyes to roll back. 

I dig my heels into the sheets, the pleasure too intense for me but his strong grip on my hips hold me down. I bite in my lower lip and grasp the sheets between my fingers.

My legs clamp around his head and arch my back as he slowly pushes his tongue in my entrance. It's so soft and warm...

In no time, I feel an orgasm building inside me.

"I c-can't h-hold..." I gasp. I can't even form a proper sentence!

He keeps sucking and licking, pushing his tongue in and out of me, driving me crazy. His hands move down to my thighs, grasping them strongly before parting them so he can fit his broad frame between my legs – to have more access

He licks up my inner-thigh before diving down on me again, tasting me. My legs start to quiver and I can't close them, because of his broad frame and strong hands are gripping my thighs.

I let go of the sheets and start tugging on his hair instead, pushing his head down without thinking. I feel him chuckle against me.

"Ooh, Vincenzo," I groan and close my eyes. Suddenly two fingers enter me, and I gasp at how long his fingers are.

I know this isn't the first time he had his fingers in me, but after I touched myself, my fingers couldn't go really far, but having him so deep inside of me...

His fingers move in and out of me while his tongue is stimulating my clit.

I grind my pussy on his face, and the intense pleasure is taking it over. "Vincenzo, I'm going to," I gasp and throw my head back. His warm lips cover mine, and he starts sucking on them. "Oh!" I moan, and can't keep still.

My legs are shaking, and I know I'm on the brink of coming.

Suddenly, his teeth sink into my clit, sucking it into his mouth and slightly biting on it.

That's it for me. I scream his name and tug hard on his hair while my legs are shaking and my hips bucking. He withdraws his fingers and drinks my juices with closed eyes.

"You taste so good," he groans and closes his eyes. He gets up from between my legs and hovers back over me. He licks his plump lips while he looks down at me with a hungry gaze in those dark eyes.

"I'm this close to fucking you senseless, but I can't," he rasps out. I feel both disappointment and relief wash through me, relief because I'm still sore from last night and disappointment because it felt so good yesterday.

"I already had to be dressed and headed for work, but I couldn't leave without having seen those green eyes of you," he whispers.

I blush and look down. He laughs. "Yesterday, you were successfully seducing me and now you're blushing from a compliment?"

My blush deepens and I hide my face in the silky pillow. I feel an arm wrap around my waist, pulling me up.

"Time to get up, sleepyhead. We have to go downstairs for breakfast," he says. I groan, but comply. "I'm going to take a quick shower," I announce.

"Would you mind if I joined you?" he asks from behind me, and I know he's smirking.

"Yes," I say without thinking and quickly fish some clothes from the closet before I rush into the bathroom. I face-palm myself once in the bathroom.

"Why did you say that?" I whisper to myself, shaking my head in disappointment.

° ° °

After the shower, I put on some loose white pants with a red blouse on top of it that reveals a little bit of cleavage. I remember that Lucy bought me this blouse for my birthday and I told her it was too revealing. And here I am, wanting to put it on for the man behind that door.

I walk out of the bathroom, freshly showered and see that Vincenzo's also ready. He's wearing a dark blue suit, his hair slicked back like always and his jaw shaven, but still a little stubble.

"You know," I begin, making him look up, "I like it when your hair is disheveled."

He smirks. "You do?" he asks and raises his eyebrow. I nod with a blush.

"I guess I'll have to fuck you more often so you can ruffle it up," he winks.

I roll my eyes, but can't help the smile tugging on my lips.

"Amore, if you keep rolling your eyes I will have to punish you," he says, with a dark undertone. My breath hitches in my throat and I find myself liking the idea of that. Clearing my throat, I stand up straighter.

"Don't go all Christian Grey over me," I joke, but still am clenching my thighs together at the thought of me lying over his lap, his hand coming down on my ass.

He chuckles. "Oh, darling, I'm worse than him."

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