Chapter 20

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"So, we'll piss off the neighbors. In the place that feels the tears. The place to lose your fears. Yeah, reckless behavior. A place that is so pure, so dirty and raw"

° ° °

We eat in silence, mainly because the food is amazing and also because we both know that the moment we get in our suite, I'll receive a punishment.

Fear and excitement are growing inside me because I don't really know what to feel. I've never been spanked. Hell, I've never been really punished.

I was always a good girl at home, so I don't know how it feels to be grounded.

"You're nervous," Vincenzo states as he takes another bite of his pasta.

I try to play dumb. "Nervous? For what?"

He smirks, and I instantly clench my thighs together.

"For my hand coming down on that round ass of yours," he says casually and takes a sip of his wine.

I choke on my salad and reach for my water. I feel the heat creep up my neck and clear my throat. "I-I'm not nervous for that," I try to say bravely.

I can see that he's trying to hold back his laughter.

"We'll see about that later, gattina."

° ° °

After our lunch, Vincenzo called his driver to pick us up. We drove around town a little, the car filled with tension. It's evening now and we're sitting in his car, and I think Vincenzo's too close for my liking.

Maybe because I know that later on, I'll be over his knee. Vincenzo drapes his arm over my shoulders and pulls me closer to him. He runs his nose up and down my neck and inhales deeply. "Hmm, I can't wait till we reach the hotel," he whispers huskily in my ear.

Can't really say the same.

And just in a couple of minutes, we arrive and get out of the car.

With his hand on my lower back, he leads me into the hotel towards the elevator where he presses on the button.

My breathing is getting heavier by the minute.

Why am I making such a big deal about this? It won't be that bad.

Keep telling yourself that.

Vincenzo kisses my temple, and then slowly trails down towards my cheek and then the corner of my mouth. I hum, and close my eyes.

"I want to throw you on that bed and never let you go," he whispers in my hair. "Then do it," I whisper back, because I want him to.

He grins against my skin, and damn if it isn't the cutest thing.

"I was planning on it."

The door of the elevator opens, and we walk in. I almost trip over my own foot when I see Nate standing in the elevator. Vincenzo's grip tightens on my waist and I manage not to fall.

Nate looks up from his phone and when he sees me, he sends me a smile. His eyes move to Vincenzo and I see confusion taking over his features before he hides it.

"Athena! It's funny how we keep running into each other in the elevator," Nate chuckles. Vincenzo and I are both standing beside each other, his hand still on my lower back. "Yeah, right," I smile at him. Nate's eyes move to Vincenzo.

"It's a coincidence we all run into each other here, right?" he asks, his eyes quickly flashing towards the hand wrapped around me. I press my lips together and nod.

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