Chapter 21

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"I ain't even think of leaving sometimes, I ain't think of letting go. I ain't ever thought of going nowhere, I don't even see it down the road. Cause we're collecting moments, tattoos on my mind"

° ° °

I flutter my eyes open and look around the room. The silky sheets underneath me feel amazing.

I roll over in the huge bed and see Vincenzo's sleeping figure. The blanket reaches till his hips, exposing his six-pack and abs. I scoot closer to him, and inspect him.

His skin is sun-kissed like he has worked for hours in the sun even though he works indoors. His shoulders are so broad and his arms are so veiny and bulging with muscles. Then my eyes go up to his face. 

His lashes are so long they're kissing his cheeks, his eyebrows so dark placed above them. His lips are so plump and kissable, and yet they can be so rough when they devour me...

His nose is perfectly sculpted and his cheekbones are so high. His hair is falling in front of his face, making him look so innocent and cute. Waking up to this view is amazing, having him lying beside you so carelessly, looking so drop-dead-gorgeous.

He looks like God made him Himself.

I jump up at the sound of my ring-tone, and look at my nightstand. My phone is going off, and I roll over to that side of the bed and grab my phone.

When I look at the person who's calling me, I start panicking.

I look behind me and see Vincenzo still sleeping peacefully. I compete if I should pick up or not, but decide to do it.


"Athena! Finally, you pick up. I was calling you the entire night yesterday," Chris worried voice says. I frown.

"I didn't hear my phone ringing," I say, and suddenly feel a strong arm wrap around my waist, and it pulls me into a rock-hard chest. I have to suppress gasp.

"Are you okay?" Chris asks. I nod, but realize he can't see me.

"Yeah, I'm fi-ah!"

Vincenzo's hand squeezed my breast, and his fingers are playing with my nipple. "You don't sound fine," Chris says, and I can tell he's frowning.

"Sorry, just saw a spider, you know how much I hate spiders," I laugh and push Vincenzo's hand away. He growls softly, and disappears under the sheets.

Chris laughs and says something to me, but I can't focus because Vincenzo lays me on my back and I feel warm lips kiss my knee, and they travel at a slow pace up.

He starts his way kissing up to my thigh, but my hand finds its way under the sheets and pushes his head away.

"I called because I wanted to know how your trip is. When are you returning? I miss you," he says and I can hear the sad tone in his voice.

Guilt takes over again. "Oh, I'm sorry. I must've forgotten about it," I say and Vincenzo's head appears from under the blanket. His eyes are naughty, a smirk dancing around his lips. Our eyes stay connected while I'm speaking with Chris.

Maintaining eye-contact with me, Vincenzo presses a kiss against my belly, his tongue flicking out into my belly-button. I take a sharp inhale of breath.

"I'll be back next week," I breathe into the phone, and watch as Vincenzo kisses his way up to my neck, so that his body is resting between my legs. I feel him breathe down my neck, causing goosebumps to rise. His lifts his hips and rolls them against mine. I bite back a moan. "Tell him you're busy," Vincenzo whispers, so quiet I almost didn't hear it.

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