Chapter 2

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"She's a good girl. She's such a good girl. She feels so good"

. . .

It's two days later, and I don't know why Vincenzo is still lingering in my mind. His accent, his velvety voice, his dark eyes and those full lips. Oh, those lips are burned in my mind. Everything about him is still so fresh in my mind.

I can even smell his cologne. He even appeared in one of my dreams. I still remember how his rough hands skimmed over my body, how his fingertips traced my skin.

But this is wrong. So wrong. I have to forget him, learn that he's out of my league and that he has thousands of women that are willing to die for his touch. Women that can give him what he wants, not some eighteen-year-old girl who knows nothing about sex.

That's why I called Chris, to hang out today. I have to get Mr. Amoretto out of my head, and Chris is the only one who can do that. The doorbell brings me out of my thoughts. That must be Chris.

Giving myself a once over in the mirror, I nod in approval before I head downstairs. I put my shoes on and open the door. Two blue eyes meet mine, and without realizing a big smile forms on my lips.

Chris looks up, and his famous, shy smile spreads across his lips.

"Athena," he greets and steps in my direction. "Hi!" I exclaim and wrap my arms around his neck before hugging him. He chuckles and hugs me back.

"I missed you," I mumble in his white shirt. The smell of apples hits my nose, and I inhale deeply the familiar smell. "We saw each other last week," he chuckles. I shrug. "That's too long," I say and look up. He leans down and pecks my lips quickly. "Shall we go?" he asks and raises his eyebrows.

I nod and unwrap my arms before I go back inside to get my jacket.

"Mom! Dad! I'm gone," I yell. "Bye, sweetie! Don't be gone for too long!" mom yells back.

"I won't!"

And then I close the door behind me.

Together we walk off the porch of my parents, and starts heading to the center of the city, which isn't too far away.

"So," Chris says casually and wraps an arm around my shoulders. "How is my favorite girl doing?" he asks and winks to me. I roll my eyes. "I'm doing fine, how are you?" I ask him. "Fine, still training. Dad is never satisfied," he says with a roll of his eyes. I frown.

"But the summer vacation just begun. The try-outs are in like, two months or something," I say. He nods. "You think I don't know that? Dad knows it all too well, but I have to keep practicing until it's perfect," he sighs frustrated.

"I think you should tell your dad that you don't want to play anymore. Tell him the truth, that you like playing the guitar," I say to him, but he only shakes his head. "No, he'll freak out when he finds out that I love playing guitar," he says and rakes a hand through his blond hair. "But..."

"I said no, Athena," he says angrily. That shuts me up. I know he doesn't like to talk about it, and I think he should tell his dad but he never listens.

We arrive at my favorite coffee shop and enter. "You go and pick out a seat, I'll get the drinks," Chris says and pecks my cheek. "I want a..."

"Latte caramel, with an extra shot of milk and no sugar," he sighs and already walks up to order. Laughing, I go and pick a seat by the window.

When I'm seated I grab my phone and see that I have a message from Lucy.

It's been a while since the last time she has send me a message, it was actually the day when I went to Mr. Amoretto's house.

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