Chapter 10

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"Baby, baby, I feel crazy, up all night, all night and every day.

Give me something, oh, but you just say nothing,

What is happening to me?"

° ° °

I wake up to knocking on my door, and I lazily open my eyes. "Athena! Wake up, sleepyhead," mom says from behind the door. I faintly see the doorknob moving down, and suddenly I'm wide awake and I shoot up, looking to my left but see that it's empty. I frown.

Where's Vincenzo?

The door opens, revealing my mom still in her pajamas. "Get up, honey. I've been calling your name the last couple of 30 minutes," she says and leaves the door open.

All kinds of questions go through my mind. When did Vincenzo leave? Did last night actually happen? Slowly, I get out of my bed, to see that I'm only in my robe.

Last night did really happen. And he ripped my thong off, again, which annoys me. I rush to my closet and quickly put on a new pair of panties, and then I throw on some pajamas. I brush my hair a one last time before I walk out of my room, and funnily enough the door next to mine opens, revealing a sleepy Vincenzo in only his sweatpants, his hair disheveled.

My throat becomes dry really quick.

"Buongiorno," he rasps out, and I almost moan at the sound of his morning voice. I mutter a good morning before I turn around and start walking down the hallway, to the stairs. I hear his footsteps follow me, and I can feel his eyes burn holes in the back of my neck. 

As fast as I can, I fly down the stairs, and rush to the kitchen to find my mom cooking breakfast, and my dad sitting on his usual spot reading the paper.

"Good morning, Athena," mom smiles at me, and I go over her to give her a kiss on the cheek. I do the same with my dad.

Not much later, Vincenzo walks in the kitchen in all his glory, and sends my mom his billion-dollar smile. I take a seat next to my dad, and pour myself some milk in my glass.

"Good morning, Vincenzo! Slept well?" mom asks and finishes the pancakes. She brings the eggs, bacon, pancakes and some syrup to the table and goes over to the fridge for the bread.

Then she takes a seat in front of me, leaving the only spot next to me for Vincenzo to sit on.

I close my eyes and try to contain myself from cursing, which I do rarely.

"Yes, it was very... satisfying."

I almost choke on my milk. My dad sends me a weird look before turning back to the handsome devil that took a seat beside me.

"Would you like to have some coffee?" mom asks.

After he said yes mom makes him some coffee and brings it to him. He smiles at her before taking the cup and sipping from it.

"How did you sleep?" Vincenzo asks my parents, and nonchalantly puts a hand on my thigh. My fingers tighten around my glass, and I press my lips together.

Acting ignorant, I reach for the eggs and put some on my plate. I feel his fingers slowly go upwards, to my private area. 

Quickly, my hand goes under the table and swats his hand away. He takes another sip of his coffee, acting so oblivious to what he's doing to me under the table. Satisfied that I managed to make him stop, I take a bite from my breakfast, only to choke on it as I suddenly feel his hand on my heat.

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