Chapter 5

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A T H E N A 

"Everything is grey, his hair, his smoke, his jeans. And now he's so devoid of color, he don't know what it means."

° ° ° 

Dinner went fast, filled with the sound of the cutlery hitting the plates. Vincenzo said that he loved it, and said he was thankful that I made him this.

When we were done eating, we stood up and placed everything in the sink. I insisted to wash them, and after a bit of protesting, he gave in.

After having washed the dishes, he showed me the guestroom where he said I could sleep in.

He wanted to show me all the bedrooms, but I was fine with this one. And now I'm lying in the ridiculously huge bed, with only his shirt and my panties on. I took off his boxers since they were starting to be uncomfortable to sleep in.

The sheets feel like heaven, made of silk or weaved like satin. And the mattress is so soft, it feels like I'm floating on a cloud.

It doesn't take long before I fall asleep.

° ° °

My throat is dry. I'm so thirsty. I slowly open my eyes and scan my surroundings.

Panic envelops me for a few seconds as I realize I'm not in my room.

But then I remember that I'm at Vincenzo's house. Blood rushes up my cheeks when remembering how he cut the bell pepper. I shake my head and try to forget the memory.

I only want one thing. Water.

Getting up from the huge bed, I walk towards the door, not caring about putting the boxers on. I open the door and find my way downstairs.

This mansion is huge and like a maze. But I manage to find the kitchen, and I see that the light is on. I frown and wonder if I forgot to turn them off after washing the dishes.

But I quickly see that I'm not the only one awake.

Vincenzo stands by the sink, with a glass of water in his hands while looking into the night.

But when he hears my foot colliding with the floor and entering the kitchen, he turns around and his dark eyes meet mine from across the room.

I swallow when I see he's only in his boxers and... oh God, he has a six-pack.

His veiny arms are bulging with muscles, and I think even his muscles have muscles. I notice droplets of water slide off his defined chest, to his V-line, and into his...

Snap out of it.

I look back into his eyes and see that his hair is damp, making it look like he has mid-night black hair.

It almost doesn't seem real.

"Couldn't sleep either?" he asks and raises an eyebrow. I shake my head. "Thirty," I bring out. He nods and chuckles, the sound causing a shiver to run down my spine.

"I'll get you a glass of water," he says and turns around, showing me his muscular body.

His shoulders are really broad, and they move with so much grace as he moves around, and the muscles in his back...


I shake my head and look around, trying to clear my mind. Then, my eyes fall on the clock.

Four am.

"Why did you take a shower this early in the morning?" I ask him with a frown. He walks over to me and hands me the glass filled with water.

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