Chapter 22

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"Y yo seré tu princesa, todo la noche yo seré tu princesa."

° ° °

After room service came, we got dressed.  

I walk out of the bathroom and am surprised to see Vincenzo dressed in a white T-shirt and a pair of blue jeans, with his hair ruffled up and no gel and some black glasses covering his eyes. 

I'm so used to him dressed in suits that it's almost weird to see him in these kind of clothes. But even in a burlap bag, he'd look like a Greek God.

This look suits him, it makes him look younger and more care-free. He sends me a smile when he sees me. "You look good," he compliments me.

"I could say the same," I say to him. He stands up from the bed and walks over to me. "Are you ready?" he asks.

I nod. He puts his leather jacket on and grabs the key for the suite. After we get our belongings, we exit the suite and Vincenzo closes the door behind us. 

We get downstairs and walk out of the hotel. The same black car that drove us around yesterday is waiting for us again. Vincenzo holds the door open for me, and I enter the car with him following behind me.

"Where to, Mr. Amoretto?" the driver asks from behind the window that separates us.

"Downtown New York," Vincenzo answers. I scoot closer to him and snuggle my face in his chest. He smells so good...

"Today, we're going to all the stores you went to yesterday, and we're going to buy the things you wanted," he says, his voice vibrating in his chest.

"We'll see about that," I say.

I'm really not planning on abusing him for his money, and he knows that. The car drives us through the busy streets of New York. 

I see all those yellow taxi's drive by, stopping for people who need a ride. I see all these people rushing to – probably – their work, I see them jogging and talking to other people.

I raise my hand and start fiddling with the necklace around my neck – the one Chris gave me.

I fucked Vincenzo while wearing this necklace. Embarrassment washes over me and I feel horrible. Vincenzo looks down at the necklace and furrows his eyebrows.

He raises his hand and brushes my hair away from my collarbone, exposing the necklace. "Cute," he mutters, and wraps his hand around the thin material before he gives a slight tug at it. 

The little sting at the back of my neck makes me realize he ripped the necklace off of me.

I gasp. "What did you do?" I ask him and watch him hold the necklace in his hands. 

"Chris gave it to me!" I exclaim and reach my hand to the necklace, but he takes it out of my reach. "I know," he says and puts the broken accessor in his pocket. 

"But I can give you more than some stupid necklace with no meaning to it," he says.


That necklace had so much meaning to me! And now he broke it...

The rest of the ride remains silent until we pull up at a busy street.

"We're here, sir," the driver announces. Vincenzo gets out and holds the door open for me. 

I accept his hand and he pulls me on the sidewalk. We're in the same street I was here yesterday, with all the expensive and cheap stores placed next to each other.

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