Chapter 13

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"Tú me confundes, no sé qué hacer. Yo lo que quiero es pacarla bien.

Yo tengo miedo de que me guste y que vaya a enloquecer"

° ° °

My heart starts beating faster. "H-how?"

"Just listen to me, baby. Do as I say."

I mutter a yes, already turned on by his voice. "I bet your pussy is wet, no?" he asks me. I have to bite back a moan.

"Yes," I manage to get out. "Hmm, do you get turned on by my dirty talk?"

"Your voice," I admit, my breathing heavy.

"Fuck, mia cara, you get me so hard," he groans. I close my eyes, already feeling pleasure of his dirty words. "Listen to me, baby girl. You need to lock the door first. Wouldn't want your parents walk in on you, would you?"

I shake my head, but then realize he can't see me. I stand up and rush to my door, quickly locking it before I run back to bed.

"Done," I whisper. "Good girl," he hums, praising me. I instantly feel good.

"Now," he says with a husky voice. "Put me on speaker."

I do as he says, and then he tells me to take off all my clothes. I lay my phone next to me on bed.

"I want you to trail your hands over your body, imagining that it's me who's doing it," he says. I close my eyes, my cheeks red from embarrassment because I've never touched myself like this before. I roam my hands over my body, going over my breasts and taking my nipples between my fingers, rolling and pinching them. A moan leaves my mouth.

"Fuck, baby. I wish I was there with you," he groans. "Me too," I gasp.

"Bring your hand down to your pussy, and start rubbing up and down your clit."

While my hand keeps squeezing my breast, I trail my hand down, my fingers sliding between my lower lips, rubbing up and down my slit. My fingers work on its own accord, and I imagine it's Vincenzo who is rubbing my clit with his thumb, his fingers circling around my entrance.

"Oh Vincenzo," I moan and arch my back.

"What are you doing? Are your fingers playing with your pussy, huh? You like that, don't you?"

"Oh yes," I gasp, and grind my hips against my hand. My eyes roll back into their sockets as I start to rub my clit furiously. My quiet moans fill the room, and Vincenzo's groans are heard through the speaker.

"Now you have to insert one finger inside your tight cunt, and imagine it's me doing it, baby," he groans, and I think he's touching himself too. Hesitating I push my middle finger inside my pussy, and I wince a little. "Vincenzo," I whimper.

"I know it hurts, bella, but you just need to slowly pump your finger in and out, while keep rubbing your clit," he instructs me. I slowly pull my finger out, and push it back in. A whimper leaves my mouth when I do it again.

"Fuck, I wish I was there with you. Keep fucking that tight cunt with your fingers, baby. It will feel good," he says, convincing me to continue. The feeling of my thumb rubbing over my clit sends pleasure through me, and I can't help but moan.

I close my eyes again, imagining Vincenzo's long and rough fingers sliding in and out of me, his knuckles hitting my entrance. I start grinding my hips against my hand and throw my head back. I imagine his thumb is drawing circles around my clit, sometimes pressing on it.

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