Chapter 11

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"Oh, baby look what you've done to me, oh, baby look what you've done now, oh, baby I'll never leave if you keep holding me this way"

° ° °

With a shocked expression, I stare up to Vincenzo, processing the words that left his mouth a couple of seconds ago. "I-I," I stutter, not knowing what to say.

"What do you want from me?" I ask him, and he pushes me up against the wall.

"I want to know what's going on in that pretty little head of yours, I want you to give in because I'm sick of you resisting me even though we both know you want me as much as I want you," he breathes and places a kiss on my lips. I close my eyes, letting myself enjoy his touch.

I whimper, and move my head to kiss him back but he draws away. He sighs against my lips and closes his eyes.

"You can't do this Athena, say one thing and then do the other."

I swallow, I know he's right, but I don't want to hurt Chris, and the guilt is unbearable. But how can I say no when he's so enticing?

Vincenzo keeps seducing me and I don't feel like holding back any longer. His scent fills my nose, his presence is suffocating me. I'm under his spell again, I'm putty in his hands and he knows it.

"I don't know how to resist any longer," I say honestly, and close my eyes.

"Then don't," he whispers and his hands slide down, grasping my ass. He pulls me to him and connects our crotches. 

Without thinking I pull his face to mine, and my eyes flutter close as soon as our lips connect. Our lips are moving in sync and I feel his tongue slide over my lower lip, asking for permission. I part my lips, welcoming him and meeting his tongue with mine.

He rolls his hips into mine, making me moan into his mouth. He sucks my lower lip into his mouth, slightly biting in it before letting it go. 

My hands push at the back of his head, pushing my closer to me. He lifts me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist and pushes me further up the wall. His hand grips my face, while the other one rests on my ass, squeezing my ass-cheek.

"Athena?" mom asks from behind the door. Immediately Vincenzo lets go of me and we stare at each other with wide eyes.

"Y-yes?" I ask her, and my heart starts beating faster. "Can I come in?" she asks, and I rapidly shake my head, but realize she can't see me.

"Uh... just a minute!" I say, and start pushing Vincenzo around.

"What are you doing?" he whispers and looks at me with confused eyes.

"You have to hide! My mom is here!"

"I'm aware of that, amore mio, but where do I hide?"

I start looking for a place where he can hide in panic, and my eyes fall on my closet.

"In the closet!" I say and grab his arm, dragging him over to my closet. "I don't know if I'll fit--"

I don't let him finish and push him in my closet, and with a lot of force I manage to close the doors and turn to my door, walking over to it and opening the door for my mom.

Her eyes scan my body, and I look down, quickly realizing that I'm in my lingerie.

A deep red covers my cheek and I smile awkwardly at her.

"I was about to put on some clothes," is my excuse, and she nods, convinced by my little lie.

"Sweetie, I just wanted to tell you that Lucy is downstairs for you," she says with a smile. I frown. Why didn't she let me know?

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