Chapter 7

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"I'm trying not to think about you. I'm trying not to give into you. All my feelings on fire, guess I'm a bad liar"

° ° °

While I lean against the cold tiles in the shower, guilt starts overwhelming me. What have I done? I cheated on Chris. Chris, the perfect boyfriend, who gave me so much love. I groan and lean my head against the tiles while silent tears stream over my face.

How could I do this to Chris? What is he going to do when he finds out?

Should I tell him?

What is his reaction going to be? Is he going to be angry?

Of course, dumbass.

But, will he forgive me?

What if he never wants to see—

"Athena?" Vincenzo's voice interrupts my thoughts. I look up, staring at the door where he stands behind and clear my throat.

"Yes?" I ask, trying my best to hide my trembling voice. "Can I enter? I just want to drop your clean clothes off," he asks. 

"Y-yes," I say, and quickly wipe my tears away. I hear the door open, and thank the heavens that the shower stall is fogged up, so he can't see my naked body.

"You really sure I don't have to join you, mia cara?" he asks me, a smirk clear in his voice.

"I'm sure," I say, trying to keep my voice from trembling. "Alright," he says, and then the door slams shut. I let out a trembling sigh, my body conflicted. 

I loved every single touch of his, it made me anticipate for more and it had me on edge. Which is why I don't want him to touch me again, because I'm afraid of what I might let him do to me. 

I get up from the floor and finish my shower before I get out and dry myself with the towel I put on the sink.

I love Vincenzo's bathroom. It's all in marble and the shower stall is huge. The bath stands on the other side of the room. Before I got into the shower I looked in it, and it was huge enough for two people, hence, three people could fit in it. It looks really comfortable to relax in. 

There are two sinks next to the door, and honestly, I like Vincenzo's bathroom more than the one I changed in yesterday.

This one is a bit bigger. I put on my clothes from yesterday, and smile as I see one of Vincenzo's boxers lying on top of my clothes. 

With pink cheeks, I put it on, and find it surprisingly comfortable to walk around in. Then follow my jeans and my sweater. As I look in the mirror above the sink, I see that my eyes are a little puffy from all the crying.

"Get over yourself," I mutter at my reflection. After combing my hair, I walk back into Vincenzo's room, to see him sitting on his bed scrolling through his phone. He's wearing a black suit, but his blazer is off and his tie is hanging loosely around his neck. The sleeves are rolled up to his elbow, and the veins in his arms are popping out. It's a mouthwatering sight.

When he hears me entering the room, a beautiful smile forms around his lips, and I can't help it but my breath hitches in my throat, and I admire how handsome he is.

"You done?" he asks. I nod, and stare at my feet. He stands up and walks over to me. "I hope you enjoyed the shower," he says and lifts my chin up so that I can look into his dark, captivating eyes.

"I did," I lie, because in reality I did not. I just sat there crying and feeling guilty.

He narrows his eyes. "I know you're lying, baby girl. Don't try that with me. But I'll let it slide for this time," he says and leans down, pecking my cheek.

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