Chapter 15

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"I am his, and he's mine, in the end, it's him and I"

° ° °

After a one last glance to my parents, the car starts driving. I reach for my belt, but suddenly, two strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me against a flat chest.

What is he doing?

"Finally," he rasps huskily in my ear, and takes my earlobe between his teeth.

I gasp and look at the driver, but he's wearing ear pods, so he can't hear us.

"After all those days of sexual frustration, I have you all to myself, gattina."

He places a kiss under my ear, and trails down to the column of my neck. He nips at my flesh, and then licks to sore spot afterwards.

"Vincenzo, we can't," I begin, but he cuts me off. "Of course we can, Athena. Nobody can see us."

I know the driver can't hear us, but I'm still not comfortable with him being able to see it.

Vincenzo continues his sweet assault on my neck.

"I don't like that he's able to see us," I whisper to him, and motion with my head to the driver. Vincenzo curses under his breath.

"I knew I should've taken the other car," he mutters, and tightens his arms around me. I turn around and lay my head on his chest.

"How many cars do you even have?" I ask him, and raise my eyebrows.

I feel his chuckle vibrate against my cheek. "I don't know, five or something? Depends on the occasion."

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Rich people," I mutter, shaking my head.

The car moves at a fast speed. The music plays softly in the background.

"I still can't believe I'm going to New York," I whisper, catching Vincenzo's attention.

"What's the farthest you've been?" he asks, and wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"I've went to Portland and California, that's it," I answer. His thumb moves in circular motions. He moves my hair away from my shoulder and leans in.

"I can show you the world, if you want too," he whispers in my ear, his warm breath tickling my neck.

"I can give you everything if you just give in," he continues, placing light kisses on my neck.

I want to, I really do and I don't know why I'm being so reluctant about this all.

But there's just something that's holding me back.

Vincenzo sees me struggling and draws away. "But I'll start with showing you New York, I promise that you're going to love it, dolcezza."

I've never been to New York, but after all those pictures and books I've read about it, I'm sure I'll like it.

Vincenzo must've been there a lot of times. I actually wonder where he went in his life.

"Do you travel much?" I ask him. "All the time," he says.

I raise my eyebrows. "You do?"

He nods. "Yes, I'm not just an owner of a publishing store, I have lots of companies in different countries, and they need me everywhere," he says. I frown.

"So, did you came to Vancouver just for business? Are you leaving any time soon?" I ask him, not liking the idea of him leaving.

He smiles down at me, and I'd be lying if I said that isn't one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen.

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