Chapter 24

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"Ya yo me cansé, no quiero ser tu amante, te digo de mi parte que no aguanto más. Ya no aguanto ver el otro cómo dice que es el dueńo tuyo, me mata el orgullo"

° ° °

The week flew by and now it's time to fly back home again, and this time I dread it because I know that as soon as I arrive, I'll be bombarded with questions by Lucy, and I have to tell her everything. And Chris.

The weight on my shoulders becomes heavier at the thought of telling him. "Are you alright, mia cara?" Vincenzo whispers in my ear. We're back in his private jet, and we're about to take off.

"I'm fine," I whisper back and smile up at him. He wraps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. 

"Okay," he says. I lay my head on his chest and wait for the moment the plane will leave the ground. 

"Are you never afraid the plane will crash?" I ask him. "Not really. If you don't think about it, the thought can't bother you," he says. He's right. The plane starts driving faster and faster, until the wheels don't touch the ground any longer.

"You should get some sleep," he whispers in my ear. "Yeah, maybe," I answer and close my eyes. His heart is beating next to my ear and it calms my nerves.

His hand is patting my back, and his other hand is on my lower-back.

I instantly fall asleep.

° ° °

Little moans leave my mouth at the wet kisses placed in my neck. I hum and roll into a warm body.

A set of teeth sink into my earlobe, softly tugging on it before letting it go. Another moan leaves my mouth and sleepily I open my eyes to see Vincenzo's head hidden in my neck. 

He has taken his jacket off, the sleeves of his shirt rolled up to his elbows and his hair ruffled up. I think he also slept for a couple of hours.

We're lying on the couch, and I see he has taken my shoes off and also my jacket. "Are we there yet?" I ask him, my voice hoarse from sleeping.

"No," he murmurs against my skin, and I feel his hands skim over my body. "I was just bored," he whispers in my ear.

He continues his assault on my neck, softly nibbling on the skin there. "Hmm," I say and tilt my head back. "Eager, aren't we?" he chuckles.

His fingers find the hem of my shirt and slides it up, exposing my skin. He takes my shirt off, then my pants. His hand disappears in my panties and his fingers start stroking me. 

Whimpers leave my mouth; my hands are gripping his biceps and my head is thrown back at the pleasure he's giving me. 

His fore-finger is stroking my clit, and that's the only thing he's doing that's giving me such an amount of pleasure. His head travels down to my breasts where he starts sucking on my nipple through the fabric of my bra.

He continues to tease me. "Please," I breathe.

"No," he whispers in my ear, and teasingly pushes a finger in to pull it back out.

"Stop the teasing," I groan. He tsks in my ear.

"You have to ask nicely, principessa," he chuckles against my skin. I grit my teeth together in annoyance, but then I remember something.

He likes it when I call him daddy.

"Please, daddy," I whine and buck my hips against his hand. He lets out a groan.

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