Chapter 6

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"Yo no quiero un niño que no sepa nada, yo prefiero un tipo, traje de la talla"

° ° °

The sunlight shines through the window and sleepily, I open my eyes and blink a couple of times. A little yawn leaves my mouth, and it's when I want to get up I notice the strong arms wrapped around my waist. Shocked, I turn around, and meet the dark brown eyes of Vincenzo.

"Good morning, tesoro," he whispers. I ignore his deep and husky morning voice.

My eyes widen, and all the events from last night come back rushing into my mind.

"Last night really happened?" I ask him, afraid for the answer. He smirks.

"Yes, bella, it really happened," he says, and places a gentle kiss on my neck.

I push him away, and try to pry his hands off of me. "It can't happen again," I say and look into his eyes. He frowns, and then pouts.

He's so cute.

"Why can't it happen again?" he asks, and his grip becomes stronger on my waist so that I can't take his arms off.

"Because it's so wrong and bad. We aren't supposed to be in this situation," I say and wriggle around. He chuckles and puts his head in my neck.

"Last night you weren't complaining, though," he whispers, and gives me a long lick in my neck. My eyes close, and for a second I let myself enjoy it.

Chris never did this with me.


"No, Vincenzo this is either way wrong. You're way too old for me and I have a boyfriend! Oh God, I cheated on him! I cheated on him!" I whisper, and guilt takes over me.

I cheated on my boyfriend. I cheated on the one that I love so much.

He's the perfect boyfriend, and he did never anything wrong. God, I don't deserve him.

"Forget about him, Athena. He can't give you this," Vincenzo says and his hands slide down, gripping my ass.

"He can," I protest. He chuckles and squeezes my ass-cheeks.

Just ignore the feeling.

"Maybe he can do the same things as I'm doing, but it won't feel the same," he whispers and slides down, so that his face is on the same length as my chest.

"You want to be fucked by a man, not by a stupid boy who knows nothing between the sheets. You want it rough, and I can give you that," he says, and kisses one of my breasts. I gasp and push his head away.

"You're dating Nicole, you're also cheating," I whisper and look him in the eyes while he stares up at me through those dark lashes. He smirks.

"Nicole doesn't mean anything to me. We went out one night, that's it," he whispers. I blush. "Doing this isn't smart, Vincenzo."

"Admit it, you want this," he says, and his hands leave my ass, only to go up and grope my breasts.

I moan, and he leans down, sucking on my nipple through the material. A louder moan leaves me, and grip his head, pushing him down on my chest.

"Vincenzo," I bring out and gasp as he slightly bites down on my nipple.

He lays me down on my back, and climbs on top of me. His mouth leaves my breast, and as soon as the cold air hits my nipple it feels like I can cut diamonds with it.

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