Chapter 29

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"But baby there you go again, making me love you. Yeah, I stopped using my head, coming back to you. Got you stuck on my body like a tattoo. And now I'm feeling stupid crawling back to you"

° ° °

"Athena," he says, his voice husky and deep. I don't greet him back and walk past him, his body right behind me as I open the door for my room. I hear him sigh behind me, and he enters my room without asking.


"What?" I sigh and turn around, looking at him in the eyes with a tired expression. "What do you want from me, Vincenzo?" I ask and am on the brink of losing my mind and breaking down in front of him.

"Why were you ignoring all my calls?" he asks and rakes a hand through his hair, frustrated.

"I don't know? Maybe because I felt bad after I interrupted your lunch with your ex-fiancée," I snarl into his face, suddenly getting angry at his nonchalance.

He narrows his eyes. "Who told you that?" he asks through gritted teeth. I throw my hands in the air. 

"Does it matter? The only thing that matters is that you lied to me straight in the face by telling me there was an emergency. It didn't look like an emergency when you were cozily laughing and talking to her in your office," I say. 

"Was it Nate that told you?" he asks with a clenched jaw.

I roll my eyes. "No, it was my mom. And that's not important, Vincenzo. I'm trying to talk to you," I say desperately.

He sighs, and takes a step towards me. "She means nothing to me, Athena," he says, and places his large hand on my waist. I shake my head, and try to push him away. His grip only tightens.

"I saw your face when I entered, and..."

He silences me by pecking my lips.

This isn't happening.

"No, don't," I say and I push him away, more firmly this time. I walk away from him, placing my hands on the wall and sigh deeply. I hear him walk over to where I'm standing, and places both his hands on my hips, making me stiffen.

"Oh, Athena," he breathes against my neck, and places a kiss there, "we both know you're not able to resist me."

I clench my jaw together when he starts placing kisses on my collarbone, and he goes up to my neck

"No," I sigh, and my voice cracks a little. He chuckles from behind me. "You sound like you have a choice," he breathes out and kisses the soft skin under my ear.

It takes everything in my body not to moan when his tongue comes out and licks the place he has kissed. Now he starts placing open mouth kisses, his tongue swiping against my skin.

I want to stay angry at him, I want to scold him and make him explain everything to me but that all soon fades as his scent enters my space, his presence suffocating mine and his lips distracting me.

You're weak.

I squeeze my eyes shut, and let out a sigh in contentment when his teeth sink into my earlobe. One hand on my hip goes lower, inside my shorts and cupping my heat.

I let out a gasp, and can't help but moan a little when his fingers start stroking me.

His hand on my hip turns me around so I'm facing him. He leans in, and kisses my lips.

"No, Vincenzo. You don't get to do this right now," I murmur weakly against his lips. But I know I'm too late.

He smirks, knowing the effect he has on me and slides his hand down to my ass.

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