Chapter 23

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"Cause every time I'm with you, I go into a zone. And I remember all the places you wanna go. Take me all the way, ain't nobody gonna touch it"

. . .

I stare at the beautiful girl in front of me. "You want to tell them the truth?" I ask her, and raise my eyebrows.

She presses her lips together and nods. 

"I think we're just hurting them more by waiting longer," she says with a frown, as always concerned about others. The elevator pings, announcing that we have arrived at the top floor. We step out of the elevator and start heading towards our suite.

"I don't have a problem with it, gattina. It's your choice," I say and take out the cart of our door. I really have no problem with her telling her parents and 'boyfriend' the truth. Because I know nobody is going to take her from me. I will not let that happen.

We both enter and I set the bag on the table. I know she doesn't like it when I buy stuff for her, but I really want to spoil her.

She deserves everything in the world, and I can give it to her.

I take the necklace out of the box and walk up to her. 

"Athena," I whisper and stand behind her. I take the necklace out of the box and hold the fine piece jewelry between my fingers. I smirk when I see the hairs on her arms raise, knowing what effect I have on her. 

"Let me put this on for you," I whisper into her ear and brush her hair to the side, exposing that delicate neck. I place a gentle kiss under her ear before I put the necklace on. She turns to me and looks down at the necklace.

It looks so beautiful on her. "Thank you, Vincenzo," she says and looks up to me. Her eyes hold appreciation in them, but I still notice the furrow between her eyebrows – for everything that's going on right now. 

I feel bad for her because she worries too much about everything. She doesn't need to worry about Lucy. If it becomes too much I'll handle it for her, same goes for everything. 

Right now, I just want her to forget everything, so that's exactly what I'm going to do. I slowly start pulling the T-shirt over my head and place my hands on her hips and pull her to me. Her small hands land on my chest, and she looks up to me.

"What are you doing?" she asks. I lean down and take her earlobe between my teeth before letting it go.

"I'm going to take good care of you," I whisper amused in her ear and place an open mouth kiss under her ear. Her breath quickens, a sign she's giving in.

"But it's still day," she whispers back, and unconsciously tilts her head to the side when I start planting kisses on her soft skin. I have to contain my laughter. 

"So? You don't have to wait until night so you can fuck," I say, and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and lets me carry her to the bedroom. I open the door of the bedroom and once it's closed, I push her on the bed, attacking her neck as she squirms against me.

"Vincenzo..." she pants, and buries her soft hands in my hair. She tugs softly on the strands, and I enjoy the feeling of it. I unbutton my jeans and work them down while devouring Athena's luscious lips. I waste not much time in working my boxers down. My erect cock springs out.

Once everything's gone I roll my hips against hers, groaning at the friction it causes.

Her lips part, those melodious moans escaping them. She throws her head back a little, the brown strands of her hair covering the pillow and sheets.

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