Chapter 9

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"You're a dangerous love, and baby you're no good for me darling.

'Cause if you're gonna love me, and leave me hanging here,

then I'd rather you leave, leave me lonely.

Even though it hurts."

° ° °

"Vincenzo?" I ask, dumbfounded. He chuckles. "Yes?" he asks, his accent very evident. I swallow, suddenly too shocked to say anything. "What are you doing here?" I ask him and frown.

"Well, I was nearby and I thought why not pay a visit to my baby girl?" he says with a challenging glint in the eyes. I groan frustrated.

"I mean, what are you doing here? With me, you're not supposed to be here," I whisper loudly at him. "I was just on my way downstairs when I passed your room, bella. Don't worry, I'll--"

"Vincenzo! There you are," mom says, and we both look to the right where mom and dad are walking towards us. I straighten up a bit and take a step back from the beautiful man in front of me. Mom has her phone in her hands, a concerned frown on her features.

"There's a horrible storm on the way, Vincenzo. I don't think it's safe for you to go home right now, it's past ten PM and I don't think it's going to take long before the roads are closed," dad says with a concerned look on his face.

Vincenzo frowns. "I guess I should be leaving soon then," he says and readjusts his suit. Mom steps in.

Please don't let him stay.

Please, please, please.

"There's no way I'm going to let you drive home. You can forget that idea," she mutters and starts walking to the room next to mine, "I'll be preparing the guest room."

Just perfect.

Dad turns around and says that he's going to help her.

Vincenzo turns to me.

"I guess you aren't rid of me yet," he says.

And with a playful wink and smirk, he turns around and walks down the hallway, his moving back the last thing I see before I close the door.

° ° °

Yawning, I close my book and lay it on my desk. The sight of my bed invites me in, and with a sleepy smile, I crawl between the sheets and fall in a bliss-full sleep.

His fingertips graze over the skin of my hips, and they go up to the swelling of my breasts where they caress them.

A light moan escapes my lips, and I throw my head back enjoying the pleasure this man is giving me.

A warm mouth latches onto the skin of my neck and starts licking up and down, occasionally sucking and biting.

His fingers brush over my nipples, pinching them and rolling them between his index finger and thumb.

"Please," I whisper and arch my back. My breasts brush against his rock-hard chest, and my legs instantly wrap around his waist, pushing him down.

Our naked bodies collide with each other, his cock is grinding against my pussy.

"Eager, aren't we?" he whispers in my ear, sucking my earlobe into his mouth before letting it go.

His mouth travels up and kisses mine. My arms encircle around his neck and I deepen the kiss. It feels so good.

Slightly parting my lips, I welcome his warm tongue and while doing that he grinds his hips against mine in a torturing slow way.

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