Chapter 14

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"We're heading deep inside, there's a voice, a voice so quiet. But I can't hear the voice when your heartbeat's next to mine. I can't quit you"

° ° °

The following three hours, mom finally receives a call from Lucy, and I hear them talking downstairs.

"So, Athena will be going with Lucy on a trip—yes, yes, and I was wondering where that would take place? Oh right, and will there be an adult? Oh, wonderful. Yes, yes. I'm very glad to hear that, and thank you for inviting Athena. Yes, she's very excited to go. Okay... yes... will you say hi to Lucy for me? Alright, until next time, Sasha. Yes, bye now," mom tells her, and hangs up.

"Athena," she calls from downstairs, and I rush from the staircase.

"Yes?" I ask her with wide eyes. She smiles at me. "You may go with Lucy. Her mom is so nice--"

I cut her off and hug her. "Thank you, mom! I appreciate it so much!" I whisper in her ear and press a kiss against her cheek. She laughs.

"Oh, Athena. Everything for my baby girl," she chuckles and pinches my cheek. I flash her a quick smile before I rush back upstairs and grab my phone.

Athena; Thank you so much, Luce! I really owe you one. All the love, xoxo

I'm actually glad that Lucy lives outside of town so that mom or dad won't see her.

Lucy; Everything for my dear best friend. Now, I really want to hear all the details when you get back, young lady

I smile and search Vincenzo in my contacts, to tell him I can go with him. Once I found him, I hesitate to call him but do it anyway. I press the phone to my ear and wait anxiously for him to pick up. After a couple of seconds, the ringing stops.


The world around me stops from just hearing his voice.

"Vincenzo," I say. I hear voices in the background, and fear takes over, even though I don't know why.

"Am I interrupting you? I'm so sorry, I can call later if you--"

"You never interrupt me, bella. I'm just at work, nothing new really. If you want to call me, don't ever hesitate, you hear me?"

A light blush covers my cheeks. "Yes," I whisper.

He chuckles. "Now, what did you want to tell me?"

"Oh yes. Uh, I managed to settle it with mom for me to go away for a week," I tell him excitedly.

"Wait, so that means that you can come with me?"

"Yes!" I say loudly, and am afraid my parents would hear me. "Yes," I giggle again, this time a little softer. "I can come with you," I smile.

"Fuck, baby, I'm so happy right now. You don't know what I've planned for us," he whispers throatily to me. "I'm happy to find out," I whisper back. He chuckles.

"So, we'll be leaving this Saturday, right?" I ask him and twirl a strand of brown hair around my finger.

"Yes, we'll be leaving around noon. Do I have to send my driver to pick you up or...?"

I want to tell him that it's fine, that I have Lucy who can drive me but then I remember that she thinks I'll be gone with Chris.

This is all so complicated.

"Uhm, yeah, that's fine. You can send him and I'll be waiting outside," I tell him. It's honestly really exciting, planning this.

Knowing that I'll be going to New York in less than two days.

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