Chapter 25

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"Please have mercy on me, take it easy on my heart even though you don't mean to hurt me, you keep tearing me apart, I'm begging you for mercy"

° ° °

With my lips parted and eyebrows furrowed, I watch how Lucy smiles and dances around the room.

"I knew it! I knew it, I knew it!" she exclaims.

"How? What do you mean...?" I ask, confused at her reaction.

She takes a seat next to me on the bed. 

"I don't know, I just kind of felt the sexual tension between you two," she laughs. "I remember when I went over to your house, I smelled some cologne on your bed and I recognized it when Vincenzo introduced himself to me," she shrugs.

"And it was hilarious how you got so pissed when I asked his number, I was just testing you to make sure."

This isn't the reaction I expected from her.


She laughs at my expression and pinches my cheek. "I understand why you didn't tell me, but I would never judge you girl," she says and smiles at me.

"So, you're not disgusted with...?"

"No! I'm happy for you," she says. I don't know whether to laugh or be concerned about her reaction. 

For the first time in a very long time, I'm happy I don't have to hide this anymore for her.

"But," she says, and tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"Does Chris know?" she asks. My amused expression disappears, and I shake my head. 

"No," I whisper. 

"I know I'm not exactly a good role-model when it comes to relationships and stuff, but cheating is wrong, Athena. You should tell him," she says. "I know, but I just can't," I say, and feel the tears coming up again.

"Oh honey," she says and hugs me. 

"I can't bring myself to do it. The whole week I was with Vincenzo and I was so happy with him, Lucy. So happy but I couldn't help but feel guilty when I was doing the things I did with Vincenzo even though he made me feel so happy and amazing," I cry into her shoulder. 

"I don't know why I kept cheating on Chris, but Vincenzo just kept coming back, he attracted me so much," I sob.

"Shh, it's not entirely your fault, Athena. Yes, instead of resisting Vincenzo you gave in but girl, I can't really blame you! You got a fine piece of man!" she says, making me chuckle.

"But it's also his fault. He knew you had a boyfriend and he still tried to seduce you," she says. I wipe the tears away and look up to her.

"What should I do?" I ask. She looks at me with pity.

"There's only one thing you can do, Athena. And that's telling Chris the truth."

° ° °

"Athena!" Chris greets me happily and wraps his muscular arms around me. "I missed you so much," he mumbles in my hair, and tightens his grip around me. 

I feel the tears welling up at his innocence, and my heart hurts for him.

Right after Lucy convinced me to text Chris, she dropped me off at my house. I'm surprise at how supportive she was.

"You need to tell me everything about your trip, I'm excited to hear it," he says and pulls away a little.

His bright eyes shine with happiness, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I force a smile back, and when he leans in to peck my lips, I dodge it by hugging him again.

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