Chapter 3

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"She's an angel. Only angel. She's an angel. My only angel"

° ° °

Today, dad is going to work at Vincenzo's company for the first time, and I've never seen him so nervous.

"Do I look good? Is my clothing appropriate enough to go to work? Are they going to like me? I mean, what if...?"

Mom silences him by pecking him on the lips, and giggles.

"Everything's going to be fine, honey. Don't worry, you're going to do great," she says with a calming smile. Dad smiles down at her and looks at her with loving eyes. "As long as I have your love, I can handle everything," he says and pecks her lips again. And again. Until they're making out.

I cringe.

"Uhm... I'm right here," I say awkwardly and wave with my arms. They stop and mom looks down at her feet with red cheeks. Dad turns to me with a laugh.

"Are you going to have some lunch with your old man at lunch time?" he asks and comes to me. I wrap my arms around his neck and hug him tightly.

"Of course, dad. You text me the address and I'll be there," I mumble in his neck.

"Alright, then I'll be heading out. Wish me luck, girls," he says with a wink before he closes the door behind him.

"He's so cute when he's nervous," mom mutters and shakes her head, smiling to herself. "Yeah, he is," I smile back, and together we walk to the kitchen, preparing breakfast for ourselves.

° ° °

I stand in front of the giant building and look up to its height. It's intimidating and classy, I feel like a fool standing in front of it with only my cheap jeans and a black sweater with a bag of lunch in my hands.

Getting over my insecurities, I enter the building, and see that everything's fancy and new, from marble floors to glass walls. The floor is literally glistening and the doors are from crystal. I see women walk around with tight pencil skirts on, their hair in a tight bun and the sound of their heels clicking against the ground is hurting my ears. 

Walking over to the receptionist, I put on a friendly smile as I clear my throat. Oh God, she's beautiful. Her brown hair is pulled up in a bun, and her white blouse is fitting perfectly around her body. She glances up and when her eyes land on me, she quickly scans me before she looks back down. "What can I do for you?" she mutters and continues with her work.

"I uhm... I'm here to see my dad," I say quietly and look down to my feet.

"Can't hear you when you're muttering, darling," she says and doesn't even spare a glance at me. "I'm here to see my dad," I repeat, a little bit louder.

Now she looks up with an amused glint in her blue eyes.

"And who's that 'dad' of yours?" she asks and raises a brow. Why do I have the feeling that she's mocking me? "John Robertson, ma'am," I reply politely.

"Do you have an appointment?" she asks and licks bored her lips.

An appointment?

"Eh... no ma'am."

With a sigh, she picks up her phone and dials a number. She holds up the phone to her ear with a bored expression and starts talking to the other person who picked up. After a moment, she hangs up and looks back at me.

"It seems that you're right. Your dad is expecting you. You have to go to the tenth floor and a lady will guide you to your dad. Goodbye," she says before she turns back to her computer. I reply a thank you before I head to the elevator, and press the button to go to the tenth floor.

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