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A large horde of arrows were flung from strings attached to opposite ends of arrows. A dozen archers wearing different sorts of colored clothes aimed at paper object attached to wooden stands. On the paper were many colored circles like a circular rainbow surrounding one small yellow dot.

Many of the arrows hit either the red or blue circles and only lucky ones hit the yellow dot. There were several arrows that shot past the targets and missing the bullseye, which would be the yellow target their all aiming for.

From the archers, many humans cried in great, loud cheers. The people were poorly clothed and they wore pauper hats; they were peasants watching archers firing many arrows at the paper targets. Even though a few missed or hit a target, the peasants still cheered loudly and gleefully.

Separate from the archers, a large squad of chariots spiraled through a fenced arena. Chariots attached to horses charged across. People rode those chariots charging in complete circles. The riders of each chariot strode their horses in a circle of a racing sport. For those riders, they wore protective gear around their shoulders and helmets around their heads, if the case they fell from their chariots

This was a dangerous sport to be participating in; many of the chariots charged into other chariots and breaking those torn apart by the wheel. The rider would end up flipping out of his own chariot and out of the race.

There was a racing competition and an archery competition going on at the same time. A third and final part of sport gearing at the same time was a sport of sword-and-shield. Many fighters were armed with one sword in one hand and shield in another. A few held long spears with axe-like blades or long spear blades long as a shortsword. There were a few that preferred heavy weapons like heavy clubs or black maces with sharp-pointy spikes that can break a shield and break bones and smash heads.

These fighters had their chose of weapons and their chose of armor. Many wore silver armor that covered their skin head-to-foot. This protected their bodies, but the armor was heavy and barely maneuverable the warriors fighting could barely keep up with the other people.

This was a tournament of different people competing against other people of different sports. It was a series of heavy competition to see which person were the best rider, soldier, and archer.

Near the fenced racing arena, towering podiums of people of nobility sat to watch the riders pounce and ride on the chariots. Each held a podium sitting people of the nobility ranking. Each person was a duke, earl, military general, or a high ranking civilian. They wore robes made of the finest, richest silk the best money can buy and their hair were styled, braided, and tied in the most ridiculous of fashion.

On one of the podiums sat three people: one man and one woman. The man wore a tall golden grown with rubies and emerald. He wore a red tunic around a golden robe to specify of how much of nobility he was showing-off. He was in his mid-fifties with a long grey beard with long grey hair.

The woman wore a thin silver crown carved of little tree leaves. Her greying, brown hair drifted down to her shoulders. Her eyes were silver and her silky robes were silver. She had emerald eyes on a tanned pale face.

Those two people were the King and Queen, the sworn rulers of the Human Kingdom. Their kingdom was borders with a swamp in the east and the Elven Realm. To the southern and western border was the sea's coast.

With the King and Queen, they kept the peace in the Human Kingdom and the Elven Realm. Now they're spending their day watching the chariots racing and competing to be the winner.

Next to them was their daughter Princess Elaine. Her raven hair braided into a long ponytail. She wore a silver crown sparked with small diamonds. Her dress was an emerald tunic that sparkled with star-like diamonds. The Princess had her eyes set on two racers who were beating the rest of the riders: Theseus and Icarus.

Theseus was a tall nineteen year old person with short, brown hair blowing in the wind. He wore a long black cloak that draped over one shoulder. He had silver eyes on a long face. A short brown beard lightly covered his small chin.

Icarus was nineteen as Theseus was. He had shoulder-length black hair blowing in the wind. He wore a black cape wrapped around his shoulders. His eyes were as blue as the sapphire sky. He was tall as Theseus and shared the same skin color: tanned brown.

The three of them (Theseus, Icarus, and Elaine) were childhood friends. They go back a long ways since they were toddlers. Theseus's father was a military general of the King's army and Icarus was the son of a Queen's maid. The three of them were born close together they grew up together.

Always at times, Theseus and Icarus would always compete to see who the best was whatever it would be swordplay or climbing trees. They competed many times of so many things they nearly got themselves into deep trouble. There were a few instances went too far they almost died such as climbing a castle's walls. If it weren't for Theseus's father, the two boys would have been riding in wheelchairs.

And in doing such dangerous tasks, they were given peasant duties like cleaning out a stable where horses slept and towing wheat fields. But in the end of each punishment they were given, it was all worth it because each competition ended as a draw between the boys, Elaine would always laugh when the boys would get into trouble.

Now those two were competing on the racing arena. They have already competed in the archery round, which they both won. Now they were the last two on the racing arena. There were about five other racing competitors they were aiming to take out.

For the moment, their own chariots were close enough the spinning wheels were inches away from touching and breaking apart.

"You think you can beat me, Theseus?" shouted Icarus, laughing like he was having the time of his life.

"You can bet your hair I will, Icarus!" Theseus shouted back, without taking his eyes of his chariot.

Throughout the racing Theseus and Icarus were showing to be enemies, trying to dare each other into ramming the other person's chariots. But instead of ramming, they rammed into other chariots first to lessen the competition. Now they were at each other's throat, and both were waiting patiently to see who would be the first to ram.

Before any of the boys can ram, there were two other chariot riders coming close. Theseus strode his horses' reins hard enough for the horses to close down in time for the other two chariots to move past him.

The two riders didn't react fast enough of seeing Theseus breaking and slowing down his horses pulling his chariot, they ended up ramming into each other. They did manage to jump out of their ramming chariots before they could completely collide.

Then Theseus's reined his horses to resume their normal speed. After regaining speed, Theseus looked for Icarus and saw his frenemy chugging down on the last few chariot races and seeing his victory against the outmatched, falling opponents.

Now the last racers were Theseus and Icarus. Before Theseus and Icarus could meet up again, a loud horn blew.

Both boys slowed their horses and went to the podium where the royalty was seated at. The King was the only one standing and he watch as Theseus and Icarus strode to a halt in front of him. "Well done, boys. From the archery to the chariot racing, you boys are the only ones to have completed both and both are evenly matched with bow and horse. But now you both have to do the final match: the match of combat."

Theseus and Icarus bowed their heads and jumped off their chariots, which were pulled away by silver knights. Both boys walked away from the racing arena to the other arena where fighters were pit to fighting each other like gladiators. Both boys were going to fight a roughly, tough fight.

Not only did they have one more competition to do, but both had their eyes set on the same price: the beautiful Princess Elaine. The winner of the tournament would not just win gold or jewels or trophies but the hand of the princess, the daughter of the King and the Queen.

And the King's decision was made: Icarus and Theseus were the last two people to compete in the finals. And the winner would get to kiss the beautiful Princess Elaine and the next king of the Human Kingdom.

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