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The League of Ultimate Warriors was in no rush to for the feast ready to be served. Random food in different sections was all spread out across the long table. Egeria, Garang, Theseus, and Beddegelert walked to different spots around the long table big enough to fit two hundred people with one hundred on opposite sides.

"I'm glad I'm on this quest," said Theseus. "Otherwise, I would be marrying a princess right now."

"I'm glad I to be outside the Scarred Mountains right. Otherwise, I would be mining for silver and bronze to make a heavy-steel warhammer."

"I would have been wondering around the Scarred Mountains looking for the Magi's Staff," said Garang.

"And I would have been walking about the forests the Elven Kingdom," said Egeria.

The two-legged people were led into the table filled with much food, and the four legged creatures walked to an open corner where an array of hay, barley, and plants were formed; the Griffin and the Pegasi saw the plant food was for them.

"No need to wait for our permission, o'noble warriors. Make yourselves at home. Feast to your hearts' content." The two Leprechauns walked in front of the four warriors and raised their hands toward the table big and wide enough to fit hundreds of people.

The four warriors then rushed the table to seat themselves at random parts of the table. Then they made no sign of eating the wonderful food at the table. Theseus, Beddegelert, and Garang mostly ate from the meaty sections, and Egeria distant from the males eating in dead animal while she helped herself to the fruits and salads prepared meant for her, an Elf.

The Leprechauns sat themselves on the other side of the table. They did not eat anything from the table, but they looked at the human warrior with a great sense of curiosity.

"So, what's this idea of 'marrying a princess'?" asked Midir.

"Oh, that's simple. I am the winner of a tournament hosted by the King and Queen in the Human Kingdom. A series of tests were put in place to see who was the most skills with a sword, balance of a lance during a joist, and thinkers when it came to battle. I passed all tests put into place by Human Kingdom's royalty.

"The prize was the hand of their daughter, Princess Elaine. And do not get me wrong. She isn't a trophy, but a person I fell in love with."

"Oooooh, you hear that, Niul?" Midir sizzled his mouth.

"Yes, I hear that," replied Niul.

"A young warrior won the heart of a princess and a kingdom and the future ruler to sit on a wooden stool built into a wall inside a castle," they both said, in a teasing sense.

"Yes, yes. I know. I was to be a prince of a nation, but everything changed when a Manticore and an army of Gnomes invaded and try to take the Holy Sword and/or try to kill me in the process. It cannot be a coincidence Elf, the Dwarf, and the humanoid lizard were invaded by the same creatures to meet in a strange place."

Egeria put down her leafy greens to have a say. "I spent all my life in the woods of the Elven Kingdom. I am a thousand years old, but I was a mere infant when my father fought the Necromancer, but that is not the main reason I am here now.

"Like all Elves, I wondered through the of Elven Kingdom's forest to the southwest from here and the west of the Human Kingdom and Scarred Mountains. Elves all share a great love to all things growing in the woods: all plants and animals.

"It happened a month ago when I was talking an always-walking-in-the-woods-every-day when I was suddenly attacked by a lion monster with a scorpion tail. Gnomes as well attacked the forest, and it was a quick and sudden shock that an army invaded elven territory without anyone being alarmed.

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