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The four flyers flew as fast as they can to the fortress, which felt like an hour. However, it was only a full day long. Garang harvest the Magi's Staff full power. He harnessed the Magi's Staff full power of the great powerful forgery the gods placed into one small stick for one small mortal.

He chanted:

Festinet dare spiritum horum faciam!

The spell he conjured enhanced the flight speed and the strength of the Griffin and the Pegasi. Within a hard day, the speed of the three flyers passed over the Dead Forest; the Dead Forest of dead tree faded behind a foggy cloud.

The speed of the creatures was enhanced a hundredfold and the sped over the land like cheetahs out on the open savannah. The terrain soon changed to the looks of a giant forest taller and with much lushy green, and it spread far and wide as a mountain range. It came to the forest of the Elven Kingdom, and it was far more magnificent, lushy forest than the dead forest that looked like a forest of zombie trees.

Even of flying over the bright of the tree forest, which was the home of Egeria, the forest also faded away in the distance. The flight of speed was too fast for the group to look at Egeria's home, and she was saddened by the looks of passing pass her home.

If we only had time to spare, then my companions could have a gaze of my homeland, Egeria said to herself in deep thought.

After passing the forest, they passed over green valleys with blossoming flowers and plains of foothills of greenery grass; they were passing over the outskirts of the Elven Kingdom.

It took the four creatures all morning to pass through all the Elven Kingdom's of planet life and greenery that soon passed by very quickly. What beautiful and blossomish land they pass would border with dry, flat plains of dry, soil desert.

Little plants were found but mostly all were pointy, sharp cacti and short trees with long branches with dried leaves covering the barks.

So much of the terrain was beginning to change shape rather quickly. From the lavish valleys of tall, green grass and flowers, the color of the land went from lushy green to a dried, state of desert brown. Then, the color start to turn into a black, pitched, burnt landscape where a giant wildfire was burning endlessly for years without end.

Not only did the landscape changed but the brightness of the light and the blue sky changed from to a darkened light and the clear, blue sky turned into a red-grey color.

The land ahead was being filled with black mountains with a vastness of black clouds appearing ahead of them.

The morning was spent flying above a lushy, green forest to a black, poisonous wasteland, and every air the group breathed smelt of molten, hot air steaming from brimstone.

And going into the early afternoon, the brightness was a blackness of volcanic smoke rising in the air. Flames bolted beneath a condense, giant wave of clouds hovering a terrain of black clouds. Volcanoes burst out lava hidden far behind the black mountains and bolting the black, deep, vastness of smoke into the air, covering the ground beneath from the sun shining overhead.

The Necromancer's Lair was behind those very mountains the group had their eyes on, but they were riding toward a large castle fortress with high walls made of pure obsidian. Towers of sharp tooth-like spikes safeguarded the fortress and well built to withstand a large siege of any large army of large numbers.

The Pegasi and the Griffin landed at the base of the fortress where it stood ten times taller and rider than the human castle, Asvlen. A single squared wall stood around a small number of towers hanging five hundred feet into the air, and the towers stood within the squared wall.

The riders dismounted from the four creatures and armed themselves with their Holy Weapons, expect the Dwarf who still had his battleax ready for battle and cleave the heads of a thousand evil doers.

"Is this place really ancient home of the Dwarves?" Theseus asked.

"This is the old fortress. This was the old capital home of the Dwarves, and it has long been abandoned when the Necromancer came to power. This is Eldas Mendvar, and it is now home to a strong dragon."

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