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The laugher stopped when the group walked into a large chamber with piled stone rubble and a few pillars standing tall. Many torches when the group walked through a small walkway leading from the entrance and into the chamber filled with many torches hanging on the walls and pillars.

Many statues of warriors seemly tried to dare enter to deal with the Gorgon, only to end up as the monster's personal statues in its (or her) lair. A broken throne stood on the opposite end of the room and it was half if was sliced by a giant sword.

Theseus, Egeria, Beddegelert, and Garang walked from a small staircase after walking a short way from the entrance about fifty steps away. Once they heard menacing laugh echoing in the dim light of many torches, but the laughter faded, which made them even more fearful of what to expect from the Gorgon.

They walked down a stairway leading to a rubble of a fallen pillar standing in a horizontal position like a collapsed tree. The sides of the fallen pillar were large as a large human, which meant the original once stood vertically like a tree pointing to the sky.

Suddenly, an arrow was shot from up high, and Theseus closed his eyes to use Shadowslayer to block the attack; a large gush of wind was recreated from the windy pathway the arrow was shot from and followed the path straight to the shooter.

Egeria used her pointy ears to listen to the windy airwaves of Theseus's counterattack. With a bow pull, she fired three magical arrows made of pure magical energy and the arrows followed Theseus's windy attack he countered with the Holy Sword against an arrow attack.

It was a loud, exploding sound touching the edges of a stone wall, but there was no sound of any human screaming, only taunting laughter. The laughter of the creature unknown gave away the attacks were rather slow and inconceivable against a creature the group is forbidden to see.

"How can we fight against something we can't see?" asked Beddegelert.

"I don't know, if we had a mirror to look at our reflected corner's, then we could have a chance," said Theseus. "I knew I should have brought a shield from home, but I guess we'll have to improvise."

"Allow me to do something about it since I have the ears to pinpoint the softest of sounds, including every breath," Egeria offered. The Elf quickly yanked her bowstring and a red arrow appeared. She limped over the rumpled pillar and shot the arrow.

The arrow soared from her bowstring to the farthest end of the chamber and struck the biggest torch of the chamber. The torch was light on a handle of some sort and rung like a string of bells.

Then a bright grey-blue circle the Elf caught her eye on popped in the open of a statue head large as a bookcase. There were dozens of snakes attached to the circle with two smaller, white circles and a wide-open mouth of snake-like fangs; this sight made Egeria go back into cover.

"Well, I found the Gorgon, but barley made it out on time," said Egeria. "If I looked two seconds longer, I would have been another statue."

"Okay, so how do we fight something we can't see?" asked Beddgelert.

"I don't know. I tend to stay away from creatures that turn people to stone," said Garang.

"Well, if there's one thing we could do while there's only one against us four, try to find a way to kill it," said Theseus.

"And how to do you propose we do that?" asked Egeria.

"Distract it and kill it," answered Theseus.

Egeria blinked her eyes once at his response. "And if that doesn't work?"

Theseus only smiled at the Elf and the companions behind her. "Improvise then, somehow. I don't know. Just find a way to kill it, even if I do distract it." Theseus jumped over the rubble and sprinted from the group.

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