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Theseus walked slowly but at a paste he wasn't walking too slowly like a turtle with a heavy shell. He wasn't in a hurry to win the match he was going to compete with his friend. He learned a great deal of patience from his father that the best method of winning was patience. "Always wait for the right opportunity," Theseus's father always said.

Theseus always did what he was told and listened to his father's words. He listened loud and cleared and always all the time Theseus's father would always shout the words to make sure Theseus would listen.

He years of being trained under his father's supervision was going to be paid off in this fight, hopefully. Theseus always paid attention to Icarus and saw how proper he could fight with a sword without the principle training.

Years of rivaling have come down to this fight and the future is unpredictable of who would win this fight. Now it was the time for the final fight and the final day of their childhood rivalry to come into a bigger field of adulthood.

All their time they have spent fighting and roughhousing and ended up as a tie wasn't going to have an effect of this fight; this was going to be a fight of great reasonability. One will win and one will lose the fight, and one will have to be living under the new king's rule.

Theseus was sure he wasn't going to be the one living under the new king. He was going to make sure he was going to win and make sure Icarus would have the life of a rich noble like a duke and had all the gold he had to spend on whatever Icarus wanted. Theseus, too, was going have to be careful when he could go to war.

During his training with his father, he learned war most money and lots of it. It takes money to move soldiers, buy food supplies, the best weapon and armor quality, carts to store food and weapons, and payment for soldiers to fight to a king. If there was no gold in a treasury, there would be no army. A small battle with only a hundred soldiers could be costly of hundreds of thousands of gold coins.

Theseus wanted to hunt down Gnomes for killing his mother years ago and he knew it would be a distance to travel to the southern borders of the human kingdom. To transport thousands of soldiers and carts to carry food and weapons pulled by horses wasn't going to be cheap, and he was going to need to take some time to finance a war with a war against Gnomes.

But right now wasn't the time to think of wars or revenge against a Gnome; it was time for a battle against a friendly rival. He walked from the storage room back to the field where he friend was waiting for him and a crowd of cheering people.

The King, the Queen, and Princess Elaine were sitting atop a high platform with a roof over their heads to shield them in case of any storm or bright sunlight. On the sides was a ton of people of nobility clapping their hands while sitting.

On the dirt ground behind a large fence peasants were cheering quite loudly. Loud enough that Theseus can hear what words were coming from their mouths.

Theseus walked and stood beside Icarus who was showing off a smile to his rival. Theseus gave a small smirk back but not a pleasant one. He looked at the three people of royalty and saw them clapping their hands at them.

Beside the King was a younger man in his forties with slight grey hair with black hair and a black heard with green eyes. The man wore military armor with a few bronze and gold medals glued on his armor. He was Theseus's father. This surprised Theseus because Theseus heard he was out patrolling the eastern borders of the Human Kingdom.

Theseus was happy to see his father sitting with the King and the Queen.

Then the King stood up and raised a hand. The cheers died down and everything was dead silent.

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