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The victory had come at a cost. Several buildings crumpled to the ground. More than a hundred soldiers were wounded but not killed. Smoke rose from burnt tents. The entirety of the tournament's festivities was destroyed, and everything set for a special knighting ceremony was ruined. A special day was transformed into a disastrous event.

Even though Theseus won the tournament, the victory calibration was interrupted by an invasion. Everything was in chaos during the fighting, and everyone was panicking the Human Kingdom came under an invasion. Now, Theseus was going have to hold off and give everyone time to recuperate what happened.

So, Theseus and his father walked to meet with the King and the Queen. They also met up with Icarus and Elaine who were separated from her parents during the fighting. Icarus managed to protect the princess from a bunch of wild Gnomes overwhelming the Royal Guards. Once they were reunited, Theseus asked how Elaine and Icarus escaped.

Icarus escorted the princess through the chaos erupting in the fields the tournament was taking place. There were many of the Gnomes attacking at once it was hard to him to fend off them all, but the princess didn't need that much of protection; she was a valiant, skilled archer.

But the numbers were too insane for them to deal with, so Icarus found a horse nearby the jousting stands. He and the princess rode on it to get away from the crowd of Gnomes trying to reach for the princess and Icarus, but the speed of the horse made it easy for the pair to get away from the invading army.

They latter regrouped with the King and Queen at their home castle, pleasured to see their daughter still alive, unharmed, and armed with a bow and a quiver of arrows.

Then Theseus told his story of what he did in the chaos. He and his Griffin fought off many of the Gnomes, and he had come across a fierce Manticore beast. He escaped the pit the Manticore created, but it turned somehow turned into a black cloud that spoke a sinister voice. And this is when Selket told everyone about the Necromancer.

"What is a Necromancer?" asked Icarus.

"The word Necromancer is a title or could mean a name of an individual. It is an evil term for any magician or sorcerer who works with one of the worst black magic of all: Undead Magic. This is an ability to summon up the Spirits of the Dead. No magician has ever managed to bring the Spirits of the Dead back to life, even alone bring the dead back to life and use as zombies.

However, there was one person who successfully did such things. He is known as the Necromancer. His origins and backgrounds are unknown to everyone. No one knows where he comes from, where he was born, or what family he was borne in. He is only known throughout all the known territories who cast dead Spirits.

"How did he do it? Cast up Spirits of the Dead?" asked Elaine.

"That's the question, Princess Elaine said Selket, "He is the first to have done. No one knows how, but him. A thousand years ago, he had brought up a Spirit of the Dead. This was a power of corruption. It was widely a frightful power that even the gods fear it so. Once this power was casted, the gods quickly chose four people to deal with the Necromancer before could summon up an army to conquer the world, and possibly the world the gods themselves rule."

Theseus, Icarus and Elaine learned about the history of a Human, an Elf, a Dwarf, and a Mage battling a dark sorcerer known as a Necromancer a thousand years ago. The battle ended when the Mage was killed and a staff of the Necromancer flying away in the breeze.

Selket explained it was a thousand years ago the fight took place, and no signs were signals thought the decades following the attack.

"The Necromancer lost his battle in the fight, but his Spirit still lurks in the shadows in the world of the living. There was a thought he wouldn't return, but he has. The Necromancer has come, and if his goals are still the same, then there is no time to spare. He was near to either to kill the bloodline of the Human Warrior who fought him or to steal the Holy Sword used to fight against the Necromancer."

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