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Theseus sheathed Shadowslayer and dashed up to the princess he had last seen in the Human Kingdom. The human warrior passed the Dark Elves and his companions to stand next to the princess he left behind and in the grasp of a dark forest with evil Elves through to be evil.

The princess smiled as her victor of the tournament dashed up to her, pick her up by her waist, spin her around, and put her back down on her feet. "Oh, how I missed you!"

"Even though it's been weeks, it has felt years passed."

Theseus and Elaine shared a romantical kiss in front of large crowd, not feeling bothered to share something mutual in front of a large crowd. The Dark Elves just watch as Beddegelert, Egeria, and Garang stared with wide eyes and dropped mouths as the two people in front of a large army kissed.

Then Theseus and Elaine released their lips from each other lipping grasp to look at the three warriors with stunned faces. "May I present the princess of the Human Kingdom, Princess Elaine."

Princess Elaine walked to the three warriors and bowed her head while lifting the sides of her skirt. "Hello, noble warriors. I am Elaine, Princess of the Human Kingdom. I'm glad you are ever so watchful over my future husband and king and ruler of the Human Kingdom."

"Hello, I am Garang, holder of the Magi's Staff. And these are my companions: Egeria, the Elf; and Beddegelert, the Dwarf. But if there is one thing to be concerned about: the Dark Elves!"

"Oh, don't worry about them," Elaine said.

'Why not?" asked Egeria. "We meet a princess faraway from home and amid an army trying to kill us! How can we not be concerned about them?"

"It's just how they look now, even though they thought you were minions of the Necromancer." Elaine walked over to a Dark Elf and placed her golden staff on the Elf.

The Dark Elf's appearance red eyes only changed to an essence of purity in the eyes, and the color was of human brown chestnut. The silvery skin and white hair remained the same.

"Apparently, after the battle with the Necromancer, the lizard Mage who battled him not just gave his life to turn the Necromancer away but as well discharged a brainwashing power over these Elves; basically, he had them under his control of a mind-controlling spell.

"And the Mage's single sacrifice destroyed the mind-controlling spell and set the Dark Elves free. However, the power of his sacrifice wasn't powerful enough to change the Dark Elves back into their appearances. Now they hide in the darkness of the Dead Forest where the Necromancer thought to invade and kill all the High Elves."

Garang waved the Magi's Staff around the nearby Dark Elves, and the purple gemstone on the middle section glowed. "I sense she is telling the truth," said Garang. "My Magi's Staff isn't picking up any evil lurking in their hearts."

Egeria and Beddegelert remained suspicious of the Dark Elves. True their eyes had changed, but their black clothing and faces with the hair didn't change.

"Well, let's talk somewhere else than just down here," said Elaine. "There are bound to be some monsters like werewolves and maybe zombies lurking about." The princess walked away and grabbed hold of a vine that pulled her straight up into the treetops.

Then a hundred of the evil-looking Elves did the same thing with many vines hanging down from the treetops. A few stayed behind with the group and all was silent. Theseus was the only one who went to the nearest vine, but he was halted by Egeria.

"What do you think you're doing?" she demanded.

"I'm going up, where else?"

"You think we can trust her instantly? You said you left her in the Human Kingdom, and we find her here in the forest of evilness."

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