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The group dashed out of the collapsing chamber and exiting the tunnel back outside where they would see daylight again.

The group had achieved their next goal: retrieve the Divine Bow. Now, they have it. The battle was hard, but they manage to preserve. Now, they had one final Holy Weapon to retrieve: the Golden Warhammer.

The Golden Warhammer was the last one for the group to get. Then it would be the battle with the Necromancer himself. And with help of a Shrine Priestess, a human chosen by the gods to be a concealment weapon, would forever conceal the Necromancer's Spirit within a different realm, and would he never again try to rise from the dead ever again.

The group made it out of the cave with great pride and joy. Garang, Theseus, Egeria, and Beddegelert talked and mumbled about the fight in their talk. When they got out to see the light of day again, it was rather shadowy and foggy.

The sunlight was gone, and ahead of the group lay a weakly wave of a swirling fog. The yellow ray of sunlight turned into a dark ray of rain clouds circulating overhead.

And through the thin fog, a large black figure entered. It was hard to see, but there was faint black armor with a black waving cape. A devilish-purple hair with red and white hair, and yellow-golden eyes. And the figure was standing very tall.

"Did you honestly think I wouldn't know where you be going if you thought you four could evade me?" asked the figure.

"No, it can't be. It can't be..." gasped Beddegelert.

"Is that who I think it is?" asked Theseus.

Then the whole figure walked through the dense fog to show a larger figure of a big man in heavy black armor in front of the four people.

"THE NECROMANCER!" shouted Egeria and Garang.

The four warriors suddenly readied their weapons.

"Are you sure you want to do that? I would spend many a sleepless night if something bad would happen to her!" the Necromancer smeared.

From his right side, he carried a large rope which led down from his right hand and heaved over a precious cargo Theseus never thought possible: Elaine was held hostage. Behind Elaine and the Necromancer, a horde of human with different animal ears and little, small Gnomes appeared.

"Elaine!" shouted Theseus.

"Yes, the princess protected by the Dark Elves. If they only spent more time training in the dark arts, then they would have put up a fight. However, since their neglective studies, they forgotten their knowledge and were easy to tear down. Which I will do with all of you, warriors."

Then the Necromancer jumped with one foot. And in the next second, he appeared in front of the four warriors. With a snap of his fingers, a large explosion rattled the four warriors against the boulders and fell to the ground.

The Necromancer was quick in his attack, the warriors didn't have any time to react. In on second, he moved from a twenty-foot distance to a one-foot distance. He snapped a finger and all the warriors were blown toward a rocky wall by a powerful explosion.

Theseus was the only one to be blown to the side than to fly to the boulders and feeling a great impact of breaking and fracturing bones all four have experienced. The Necromancer laughed loudly that he easily downed four warriors who didn't even fight back.

"And to think you are descendants of the Four who fought against me. Such a humiliating moment for you all!" The Necromancer's eyes looked at Egeria, Garang, and Beddegelert gasping weakly for air. They felt pain like they never felt before and grasping to make a small think of moving a limp; he paid no attention to Theseus.

In a quick moment, Theseus made his move. With a broken leg and splintered ribcage, he still caught up. Running on broken bones in a silent manner, he lifted his Holy Sword, swirled the blade in the air, created an air socket for him soar from, sailed over the air, and aimed straight for the Necromancer's head.

However, the Necromancer's eyes caught a glimpse of Theseus's shadow on the ground coming for him and turned. He barely moved his hand, but Theseus made a spat from his lips and the saliva stuck an eye of the Necromancer that briefly blinded him. Just giving enough time for Theseus to slash the Holy Sword against the Necromancer's face, leaving a large cut against the eye and cheek Theseus spat on.

The cut spewed out a black cloud pouring like blood, and the purple blade made a windy explosion that spewed into the Necromancer's right eye. This swirled his body away from the three wounded warriors and to his minions holding Elaine hostage.

Theseus landed hard on the ground and his body rolled over to his companions, making even more pain for him. Lying on the ground, he saw the minions crawling to their master and lifting him up from the ground.

"This isn't over, warriors, I will take your lives. And all shall be mine!" The grey fog covered the four warriors' view. And when the fog faded, the Necromancer, Elaine, and the little Gnomes were no where to be found.

It was only the four warriors with the army of the Dark Elves lying on the ground, with bad wounds and broken bones.  

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