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The four warriors' cheerfulness and cries of victory were silence as they saw Elaine with a sad face looking in the direction, they barely escaped and fought the Necromancer. No tears dripped from her eyes, but there was a deep sadness and grieve in her face of Icarus who suddenly was friends with her and Theseus, ended up betraying, but ended up giving his life to save hers.

Theseus walked over to the princess who was sadden they didn't have the time to bring Icarus's body out of the Necromancer's Lair. He grasped her hand tightly and she leaned her head against his shoulder.

Garang stood beside the two lovers as he shared in a bright stare, looking at the fading black clouds and small rays of light shining upon the volcanic wasteland of molten lava drying up and one day become land people may settle on one day.

"I saw his heart with my own eyes, Princess Elaine; he wasn't evil. He was just a lonely boy with no parents or family or friends. He was just someone who wanted some attention and never wanted to be a lonely soul. Don't be so judgmentally to a lost boy who longed to have friends or some people he could call family."

"But why? Why couldn't we bring his body with us? He deserved to be buried in his homeland."

"Elaine," said Theseus. "If we had, we would have been buried beneath a pile of rocky rubble. Your father and mother would die without heir, and the Human Kingdom may end up in the hands of my father. Your family is already beloved, but my father has a low-thought reputation among the people. Do you really want the head of the King's army?"

Elaine looked at Theseus to say "no" to his eyes, and he nodded his head.

"That's right. You have the right to take the throne and remember who won the tournament. It is fate that was decided I should win, and you did say you're in love with me?"

"Then what should we tell them? My father and yours?"

"The truth! When we get back, we'll my father and yours the entire story to them. We'll tell them of Icarus's betrayal and his final sacrifice."

Then Elaine finally smiled and kissed Theseus. The two were happy they still lived on, but Icarus would no longer be with them in the world of the living.

Egeria and Beddegelert just stared as they walked to stand beside the lizard and look down at the open valley upon a hilltop they didn't see when their creatures landed.

"As for me, I'm planning on heading back to my homeland and home city of Aldaris," said Egeria. "I plan to walk to my father's grave and tell him I have finished what I've started. You two are most welcome to come to my kingdom and relax for a bit."

"And I plan on returning to the Scarred Mountains for food and drink," said Beddegelert. "I have many a story to tell to my dwarven folk, and I'll mostly tell about the both of you, lovers. Such a romantic tale will be told throughout the years."

"And I will travel throughout the land, but first I plan on going to the Thieves' Guild and make it a civilized place," said Garang.

Elaine and Theseus looked at the three staring at the two lovers who held their hands with each other. Each person had known what the others were going to do: the group was going to disband since their sworn duty was done.

Suddenly, they heard loud sounds of a thousand feet marching on solid ground. They looked down below, and they saw the army of Dark Elves marching along a river.

They didn't appear as the Dark Elves before, but their skin colored changed to the same color as Egeria's skin color: the Dark Elves were now High Elves again. This made Egeria smile to see her people now what they used to be.

After the redeemed Dark Elves marched along, the four warriors stood beside each other, and Elaine and Theseus released their lips from each other to look toward the east to see light shimming from beyond the horizon.

They were safe and their futures looking bright, as they saw the sun rising toward the east. This signaled a bright new day of a bright, new future that spread throughout all the land and toward a future where all species can live happily forever after.

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