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The group rushed out of the cavern and out of the fortress, and they dashed back to the four creatures waiting for them. The Pegasi and the Griffin got up from laying on their bellies in a lazy manner when their riders came riding for them.

But before the four warriors mounted onto the creatures, they saw a large battalion of grey-dressed soldiers behind the fortress's entrance. All carried bows and armed with quivers full of dark arrows made of pure black magical enchantments. The leader wearing a helmet like a crown of a king with a robe over his head walked forth to the four warriors.

"It seems we arrived just in time," said the leader of the battalion. The figure was Ta'aroa, the leader of the Dark Elves.

The group was surprised they saw the entire legion of five thousand Dark Elves standing right outside the old fortress. Beddegelert was the only one ready to have a Holy Weapon at the ready, but the other three remained vigilant of the arrival of the Dark Elven army.

"Ta'aroa, you were fast!" said Egeria.

"High Elf Egeria, since we were mutated from our gifted appearances, black magic we now harness can go a long way. The power of speed and ability can match those of the fastest creatures with wings. We can move faster than the power of flight."

"If you can use your black magic spells for speed, then try to keep up." Garang was the first of the four warriors to mount on a creature. "We have a Necromancer to slay. Heigh!" Garang's Pegasus soared to the sky at an incredible speed.

Egeria and Theseus mounted on their creatures, and those creatures took off in the same speed. Beddegelert was the only member of the group to stay on the ground for mere seconds looking at the Dark Elves. The evil version of the High Elves corrupted mutilated by black magic that changed their appearances, but their personalities seemed to have changed that the Dwarf was suspicious of.

Then of a full minute of a silent stare, the Dwarf finally mounted on the Pegasus that took off at an incredible speed to catch up to the other flying creatures.

All four creatures flew into the blackened sky and further inland where the sunlight was complete eradicated and black clouds covering the sunlight endured.

a volcano. In the far distance, a single black pyramid-shape mountain blowing out red, hot lava and puffing out black smoke from the top. The land below was futile in black ashes and molten rivers of lava. The air was hot and foul like much hot coal burning across the blacks.

Then ahead, black figures appeared in the sky. Many were larger than humans and had wings to carry them through the air, and many hooded figures with no faces blew out white sparks to the ground to summon up skeletons with armor and weapons.

Gargoyles and banshees! The two evil creatures swarmed into the air with many flying skeletons flying beyond their summoners.

Evil demons of the dead swarmed in the air like a flock of bids evading a predator with large claws. Hundreds or thousands took to the sky and block the way to the only entrance to the Necromancer's Lair, which is the volcano.

While in the nonstop speed of flight, Egeria pulled back the bowstring of the Bow and released in the moment she pulled the string to her left eye. One energy bolt aimed toward the sky and gushed through the black clouds pulverizing with red lightening. Egeria's single arrow shot shocked out the blacks in many rivers of electric bolts shocking down many of the evil Spirts summoned in monstrous forms.

The four flyers crossed between any evil Spirit with dark wings trying to get to them, but the yellow bolts shocked the Spirts by the hundreds. Garang waved his staff against the tide of wind and blown against the Gargoyles escaping the shocking power of Egeria's single arrow shot down the sky.

Theseus's used the power of Shadowslayer to swerve against the illusionary waves of the air in a power he still hardly mastered and the great power within the Sword's purple blade shot fireballs to the Banshees echoing dreadful, eerie voices chanting for Theseus to kill his friends. His power, however, resisted the power of the dark hooded banshees, and each was burnt to a crisp like setting clothes on fire from a lighted match.

Beddegelert only used the Golden Warhammer to cleave his way through the air, and he would protect his Pegasus from being harmed.

Then suddenly, as they neared the volcano and thinking of entering from the top, a large powerful wind blew from the clouds above. The clouds blew down a large tornado in front of the volcano and the creatures were forced to turn the opposite direction of the magic-summoned tornado.

Garang lifted the Staff and creature a barrier to protect them from the hard winds of the black tornado blowing between them and their final destination. The winds protected the riders on the creatures from being casted into the storm, but the tornado's winds were still strong to pull the barrier strongly.

Egeria shot up an arrow to the sky and this arrow casted bolts disintegrating the tornado into a wave of black ashes blowing to the clouds.

The creatures landed on the ground before the black clouds casted down a hundred tornados and a thousand Gargoyles and Banshees. The air was covered by many obstacles, and the sight meant the four warriors were going have to travel by foot than fly in the air, but the land was filled with thousands of skeletal warriors.

Too many obstacles were lied between the four warriors and the volcano lying just ten miles away from them.

"Great! What are we going to do now?" asked Beddgelert.

"There's too many of them for us four to deal with," said Egeria.

"With all our power combined won't be enough to destroy them all," said Garang. "Even if we do destroy them all, more evil Spirits wouldn't just rise from the dead."

Theseus remained silent and he looked behind the group to see the army of Dark Elves standing behind them. "Lucky for us, the Dark Elves are right behind us."

Then the Dark Elves heaved up their bows and launched a horde black arrows into sky. All which landed across the terrain of the skeletal warriors and each arrow busted into a powerful pulse of flames and ice that burned and froze a skeleton or the ground.

Then another wave of arrows was released, and those arrows were green. The green arrows soared through the air that exploded like fireworks upon impact of the tornados and Gargoyles and Banshees.

The three others looked at the Dark Elves moving forward pass the four warriors while a thousand stayed behind to fire arrows to knock out anything in the air or freeze anything on land.

Ta'aroa appeared to the four warriors leading the army of archers to fire in the air and keep the sky clear from any monsters or windy storms. "We will keep these monsters at bay while you four warriors deal with the Necromancer! Don't worry about us; we know what to do."

The four warriors nodded their heads, and their creatures rose back into the air again. At lightening flash speed, the creatures took off. Egeria and Garang a magic spell that made the creatures fly ten times faster.

The arrows from the Dark Elves shot through the army of evil creatures in the and kept dark brown tornados from blown down from the dark clouds swarming overhead, and the Dark Elves charging into the midst of battle below held out long, thin, black, curvy blades to slay many monsters.

The three Pegasi and the single Griffin soared across the land, through the air, feeling the hot breeze of the volcano's smoky heat, and the need to fight with full strength of the four Holy Weapons.

In thirty seconds, the four flyers flew over the land and floated down to the side of the volcano's grounds. They saw there was a platform and a giant entrance big as the human castle, Asvlen, led directly into the volcano's interior and the possibly the Necromancer. Surprisingly, there wasn't any monsters in view on the platform formed halfway from the flat terrain and the volcano's top, which reached five thousand feet toward the sky.

The four creatures landed on the large, flat platform, and the riders dismounted from the Pegasi and the Griffin. Their Holy Weapons gripped with such fierceness and a persona to fight with great divine power.

They dashed with great haste and burrowed their way into the only entrance into the volcano and to the Necromancer lying within his lair. The final fight with the Necromancer was just ahead!

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