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A fog. That's all he can see from where he's standing. A fog as thick as cream. He's unable to see anything at all no matter how much he tries. A few seconds pass and slowly the thick foggy curtain seems to part.

Of course he's confused but for some reason he doesn't freak out. Instead he watches the sea of grey move, exposing a building. A building he doesn't recognize but one he can definitely appreciate.

It's quite lovely really. Mostly wood and glass. Long rectangular windows that went from the ceiling to the ground. It was very...rectangular all over really. With white marble stairs leading up to the entrance, and yellow lighting on the outside, illuminating the threshold as well as the inside.

Taehyung pulls out his phone from his pocket and looks at the time. 21:30 pm. He waits to see the little hands of the clock on the clock app move but they don't. No second passes. At first he thinks it's his eyes playing tricks on him, or just the app breaking.

But even as he counts in his head until a minute has passed, the clock doesn't change from 21:30.

Right. Odd.

He questions it a little as he makes his way towards the wooden building, eyes scanning the architecture which he really appreciates. As he steps over the threshold he's suddenly in a large room. It's all white, with stairs leading to different rooms, multiple doors. A desk area is placed somewhere in the middle almost like a reception area. Ah.

This looks like a museum of some sorts. Okay. Right. Why was he here though? He was meant to be dead right? Oh wait, is this heaven? Hell?

He decides to explore, it's not like time seems to moving in this world whatever it may be so why not see the place where he is. He decides to take a random stair case to a random room, and once inside he explores the area.

The room is pretty simple but on every wall there are multiple frames. At first Taehyung thought they must be different paintings from different artists but the more he looked he realised that every single frame and every single painting were very similar.

The frames were made out of some sort of gold. With curves at the edges that made it look a little more interesting than a simple frame. The images inside the frames were all the same too. Well to an extent.

They were all variations of canvases either grey or silver. Some darker, some lighter. Some shiny, some matte. Some had sparkles of glitter, some where just pure glistening glitter. But all in all they were the same variation of one painting.

"Strange" Taehyung voices out to himself, the first sound he has heard since appearing in this world. He takes comfort in at least hearing his own voice.

His eyes scan the room and all of the paintings, there were no name plates. No information plates to tell him anything about the works of art or who created them. Nothing at all.

He nears one of the frames. One with a silver matte canvas inside the gold curvy frame. His hand raises and his finger reaches forward to touch the silvery pool.

"Stop!" A voice calls out, making Taehyung jump a little from the sudden shock of hearing someone else here. He thought he was alone. He doesn't move his finger anymore, instead dropping it back down to his side before turning to find the owner of the voice.


His cousin looked older. A lot older than the last time he saw him which was probably 7 years ago before he moved to America.

He's dressed in black trousers and a blue shirt, with the first two top buttons left open. He looks smart. A true man.

"Hi Taehyung" Daehan says with a warm smile as he approaches his younger cousin, his hands stuffed in his pockets which show that he felt absolutely no sense of urgency unlike Taehyung who was still trying to figure out where the hell he was.

But seeing his cousin there was so strange. He remembered suddenly the evening he came out to him at the age of fifteen. How Daehan told him he would be there for him if something went wrong.

He remembers crying into Daehans shoulder when his father left him and his mother in Daegu.

He remembers clinging onto him for dear life and telling him how much he regrets telling his parents that he was gay. He remembers calling him when he felt like he made a big mistake with school. Daehan was always there for him. Whether it was in person or electronically.

"What is this place?" Taehyung questions, motioning to the walls littered in grey works of art. "Where am I? What is happening?"

"You're at an art gallery. One in Seoul".

"There aren't any people here. There's nothing else outside but this building. And, and these paintings. These works of art. They're all the same. More or less. So am I dead? Is this heaven? Hell?"

The look on Daehan's face is one of amusement, almost like it was entertaining to hear Taehyung try to come up with where he could be.

"Is this the after life?"

"Nope. Not really. It's not exactly that.."

Taehyung quirks his brows in confusion and opens his mouth to speak but nothing comes out for a moment. Only after a breath in does he manage to speak up. "I don't get it. I dont.."

"Okay" Daehan says, putting up his hands in mock surrender. "Let me try to explain this to you".

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