This Is The Life

634 29 15

Sex chapter warning. It's graphic. Skip if underage pls. Blocked out with x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x-x

A week later, another night at another club.

A smaller group came this time. Only them two and two others. Again, the night was full of dancing, some drinking, laughing. It was amazing, and even though the room was hot, Taehyung felt like he could breathe. He has been having so much fun on these nights out.

He always was eager to come out. Turns out that sometimes they went to karaoke rooms, on party boats, sometimes just over someone's house. They were all just living their lives whilst still young and Taehyung couldn't have been happier.

At some point in the night, the four of them end up running out of the club in fits of laughter, right into the cold air that felt so good against their sweaty skin.

"Fuck!" Jungkook shouts out into the air with the biggest smile, he too felt like he was on top of the world right now.

"Aaaaa!" Mingyu joins in, wrapping an arm around Jungkook's shoulder and spinning the two of them around a little.

Yugyeom sniggers and grabs Taehyung by the shoulders. "This is why we had to leave. They kept knocking into people, doing this damn move!"

"I know and I told him off once for it, but I can't tell him off when he looks at me with those eyes. I love him too much" Taehyung chuckles, stroking his blue hair away, still watching Mingyu and Jungkook 'play'.

"Ya!" he shouts at one point "Jungkookah! Home!"

Jungkook tears himself away from Mingyu's arm and waves both of his friends goodbye before grabbing his boyfriend by the hand and dragging him, making him run behind him in a direction.

"What are you doing!" Taehyung asks with a grin, watching Jungkook happily drag him along.

"Going home! Duh. Wanna get there quick, and I have so much energy in me I need to run"

"Doesn't mean I have that energy!" Taehyung says loudly, already struggling to keep up.

They reach a road that has a little hill, to which Jungkook pulls Taehyung down, making their steps turn smaller but faster.

"Waaaa!" Jungkook yells out happily, making Taehyung laugh loudly. You would have thought his boyfriend was five


The second they got home, they step through the door, and shut it, Jungkook attacking Taehyung's mouth immediately, with both hands on his cheeks.

Taehyung groans and allows Jungkook to push him up against the now closed door. Their breaths are heavy.

Jungkook pulls away from Taehyung's lips and just exhales loudly, before a smirk appears on his face. "I want you" he whispers.

"I can tell" Taehyung replies back, his hands moving to start undoing Jungkook's belt. "How much do you want me though?".

Jungkook doesn't hesitate and instead grabs Taehyung by the hips and lifts his up. Taehyung gasps a little in surprise but wraps his legs around Jungkook anyway, still up against the door for leverage.

"So fucking much" Jungkook practically growls, now kissing Taehyung's neck.

Taehyung's head fell back a little, wanting to focus on the feeling of Jungkooks lips on his skin. All of a sudden though, Jungkook pulls him away from the door, and then carries Taehyung over to the bed, dropping him on it as soon as he was close enough.

Taehyung sat up on his elbows and looked at his lover, lips parting, tongue poking out, with his blue hair now a mess from the door make out session.

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