Quiet Night

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Another two days pass and honestly Taehyung could not stop smiling. He was sure his cheeks were permanently stuck in the way they were.

Oh well, hamster cheeks were cute right?

They had made love again last night, and again this morning. Taehyung couldn't get enough of Yoongi, and honestly the boy was teasing him. He knew what he was doing to get Taehyung all riled up.

Tonight though, the pair had planned a movie night in. It's not like they left the house much anyway. Taehyung gathered that this was the life they must have been living, with Yoongi being quite content at home. And the thing was so was he, because he was with Yoongi. They had a lot to do during their time at home anyway.

Painting, answering work related emails, cooking, walking around the greenery they had outside of their house, going shopping.

It didn't matter the life he was leading, it was the person that mattered.

The setting was ready.

The couch was covered in their duvet and blankets and pillows. The coffee table had popcorn, fizzy drinks, and gummy sweets.

The lights were turned off once more with only the fire from the fireplace illuminating any kind of light into the room. That was, until the TV was turned on. They decided to go for a horror, one that wasn't too bad, or too scary.

Taehyung laid down on the couch, back resting against one of the arm rests, with Yoongi happily laying in the middle against his chest. Yoongi covered them with the fluffy duvet and pressed play on the remote.

Almost on cue, rain started to fall, and since they had some sky lights, the rain hit against the glass, the pitter-patter now echoing throughout the room. The titles started to play so Taehyung closed his eyes for a moment just to listen to the crackle of the fire, the sound of the rain, and Yoongi's calm breathing.

In this moment he felt truly happy and content.

"Already scared when it's barely started?"

Taehyung opens his eyes and sees that Yoongi has turned his head to watch him.

"Turning your head so you don't have to watch the scary bits?" Taehyung teases back, arms tightening around his boyfriend.

Yoongi rolls his eyes and turns back to lay his head down on Taehyung's chest. "Yeah you wish, you're the wuss out of the two of us".

"I resent that".

There was a scene in the movie that was oh so typically horroresque. The girl was in a dark room, looking as scared as ever, with no music for a moment. That was until she approached a TV, that seemed to be showing her herself about 5 seconds ahead. Something would happen on the TV and then it would happen to her in real life.

Taehyung looked at the screen, the way they were clearly building up a jumpscare, and then down at Yoongi whose eyes were glued to the screen.

As the music began to build, and the scene got a little scarier Taehyung got ready. He licked over his dry lips, and waited, right until he knew something was going to happen.

"WAH!" He said loudly, hands going to gently push Yoongi to give him the impression of being caught.

Yoongi lets out a heavy sigh through his nose and turns his head to Taehyung with an unamused look on his face. "That all?"

Taehyung ends up laughing anyway, since this was exactly the kind of thing he should have expected, Yoongi didn't seem like the type to get scared.

"I hoped you'd get scared, want to be cuddled and rocked".

Yoongi scoffs again and reaches over for some of the popcorn. "You got the wrong guy then, pretty boy. Not happening".

Taehyung wrapped his arms around Yoongi and pulled him closer, now nosing the top of his head, "You saying I can't cuddle you?".

When Yoongi speaks now, Taehyung can practically hear the smile, "You can cuddle me if you're so desperate to do so".

"Oh shut up. Don't hold it against me that I love you".

Yoongi turns to face him again and smiles "Never".

"What if I wanted to kiss you?"

"I might just let you".

Taehyung grins, and pushes a stray strand of raven hair away from Yoongi's forehead. He slowly begins to lean in, but Yoongi is the one who actually closes the distance between them.

The kiss is so soft and tender, lips melting together ever so perfectly that Taehyung can't help but let out little breath of content.

Yoongi smiles into the kiss and when he pulls away he makes sure that their foreheads are pressed together, "So we're going to get married huh?" he asks, almost shyly.

A bigger grin forms on Taehyung's face at the words. He nods eagerly and moves in to press kisses to Yoongi's cheeks, nose and forehead. "We are. We're going to have a wedding. I'm going to marry my best friend" he tells him in a whisper.

Yoongi seems to release a breath he had been holding in, "I am so in love with you. Even after all this time. I am so in love with you. I'm so glad we met Taehyung. I'm...I'm so freaking glad we ended up in the same class. I'm so glad you asked me out. Do you realise how happy you make me? You've given me such a wonderful life. You love like no one ever has. I can't wait to grow old with you. You know that?"

Taehyung was sure his heart stopped, or was about to burst, either one of the two. He had been looking at Yoongi with such love and adoration in his eyes as he spoke to him. He felt exactly the same way.

This was the first time he had heard Yoongi say this and Taehyung was right.

The weight of those words coming from Yoongi were worth more than gold.

It doens't matter how long he spends in a life, but at some point it all becomes familiar. He can remember asking Yoongi out after one class. He can remember the date a little too. He is aware of the love they had had. And the idea of having a forever with Yoongi was something that he wanted so so bad.

"I love you too, hyung. I adore you. I love you. You're...You're so right for me. And I can't wait to spend.."

His eyes began to hurt, that annoying headache like feeling once more becoming evident.

No, no fuck. Not now. He can't. He can't leave.
This is the life he needs. This is who he's after. He can tell. He can tell.

Taehyung's face falls a little suddenly, and he rushes in to smash his lips against Yoongi's lips. "I love you so much" he whispers against Yoongi's mouth "I am obsessed with you. I love you, with my whole heart".

He can feel the grayness and the pain. And just like that he's back in the Dusk Gallery, before he can even hear Yoongis reply.

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