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Three months.

He had been in this life for three months. It's been the longest he had spent in a life. And he was so fucking grateful because Hobi was the sweetest man he could have asked for. He looked after him. He gave him the world. Literally.

In that time they had gone to Fiji, the Bahamas, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Phillipines, and St. Lucia.

They had so much fun, experienced so much culture together, found out so much more about one another. They made love more times than Taehyung could count. He was obsessed with the way Hoseok fucked him. So they definitely did a lot of that.

His whole time here had been so wonderful. Hoseok was the kindest, sweetest person and to be able to see the world with him made Taehyung's grow three sizes bigger. He was amazed by him. In awe of him. They laughed so much, every single day. They doted on each other so much.

He was so pleased that he had so much time in this life. He was able to do everything here. He was able to spend every minute with the love of his life. His panic for leaving this life has practically disappeared because he had already been here for so long. He felt like he was just staying here so of course.

The funny part was Taehyung had absolutely no idea where they actually lived. He couldn't just come out with it and ask because that would seem weird. They had swam with pigs, picked straberries, been paragliding, gone hiking. Everything.

They've made so many new friends from so many different backgrounds.

They were currently on a beach in the Maldives, enjoying the shade from a few of the palm trees.

"Taehyungah" Hoseok suddenly says, sitting up on the sun lounger.

"Yes, my love" Taehyung sing songs out.

"My mum called, and asked when we're going to come visit her. So I thought maybe we'd come back to Korea for a little while. What do you say?"

Korea? Oh god the excitement in him was almost too much to handle. He hadn't realised how much he had missed his own country until the idea of going back was presented to him.

"That sounds so so good. I'd love to go back for a little bit".

Hoseok's famous smile made Taehyung giggle to himself.

"That's good. And maybe...maybe if we're there we can visit your parents too?"

"Yeah sure I mean, wait my parents?"

Not just his mum?

"Yeah I mean. Look..." the atmosphere seemed the change suddenly. Taehyung could tell from the way Hoseok awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck, or the way he avoided to look into Tae's eyes. "I know you guys kind of ended things on a bad note. Even months before we left. But I think it would do you good to speak to them maybe even make up with them?"

What has happened? How was he meant to figure this out. Best thing to do would be to ask about it right? After all they had been out of Korea for months so Taehyung could pretend to just have forgotten.

"Should I make up with them?" he questions.

"Do you not want to? Do you not miss them? I feel..." Hoseok placed a hand over his own heart and let out a shaky breath "I feel like it's because of me somehow. I know you always tell me it wasn't my fault but technically this whole argument started with..."

"Hang on" Taehyung stopped him suddenly. He can't have an opinion unless he knew what happened. "Just remind me".

"The money"

"Which money?"

"My money"

"What about it?"

" guys argued. You snapped at your dad because he wanted to borrow money from me again. I was more than willing but you said how he's just using us, and me for the money. How he doesn't really care about us and of course I believe you but wouldn't it have been easier to just give him what he wanted? Now you're not talking and I feel so horrible about it".

Taehyung couldn't believe his ears. Immediately he sat next to Hoseok on the sun lounger and wrapped an arm around him to pull him close. "Baby. That's all he wanted from you. From us. He never made an effort to get to know you well right? And when he found out you were rich, he was all happy suddenly right? Buddy buddy and all that".

He had been in this life long enough that aspects seemed to pop into his memory every now and again. He remembered how much of an ass his dad had been. In this life his dad got back together with his mum a year before Taehyung met Hoseok. He gave no shit about either of them but when one day it somehow got out that Hoseok had money, his dad seemed perky. Ecstatic. He made the effort and at first the boys were thrilled.

That was until Taehyung realise his dads' alterior motives. He needed to protect Hoseok. And Hobi was too pure and kind, always willing to give Taehyung's father anything.

"He doesn't deserve to be in our lives if he doesn't care about us. He's shallow. He doesn't deserve my respect or yours. I love you. You love me. All I need is that. I don't want to talk to them, but baby please, please, believe me, when I say this is not your fault. You did nothing wrong".

Hoseok nods and leans his head on Taehyung's shoulder, feeling comforted by his words and presence.

"Okay. Thank you. You always know what to say. I love you. Thank you"

"Don't thank me, hyung. I'm here for you. Always okay?" Taehyung uses a finger to lift Hobi's chin up. When their eyes meet, Hoseok offers him the smallest of smiles. Taehyung mirrors it and then leans in to kiss him ever so softly.

The sun continues shining above the pair, even when Taehyung feels that familiar pain in the back of his head.

"I love you so much, you beautiful man" he whispers one last time, now feeling ridiculously emotional. He had so much time with this man. How was he meant to leave the love of his life like this? "Always"

The walls of the gallery greet him once more.

"That was it" Daehan says with a big grin. "No more lives".

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