Enough is Enough

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"Don't look at me that way".

"I hate you. I hate this" Taehyung shouts, groaning and threading his fingers through his brown hair.

"You tell me that seeing your possible love is that bad?"

"Yes! It fucking is! Because you take it away from me. In an instant!"

"I am giving you multiple choices!" Daehan finally barks out, and his shout echoes through the walls of the gallery. They both exhale through the noises and then Daehan lifts his hands up in surrender. "Look, I know it's difficult. I know it's shit. But you get to be with one of these men at the end of all of this. You've always wanted that. You'll be so much happier".

"Bullshit, fucking bullshit Dae, come on. This isn't even real. And yet-.."

"Don't start mocking it because you know what comes next.." his cousin warns him. At first Taehyung is confused but of course the second he thinks, the feeling comes.

The shooting pain that seems to feel like a really bad heart attack. It floors him, causes him to clutch onto his chest. He feels fire spread through it all, as if his blood was thick and struggling to flow through his veins. "Fuck!" he yells out. And just like that it stops.

Taehyung sits up and breathes in and out through the reminants of the pain.

"Yeah sorry about that. That I actually can't control" Daehan tells him, having quietly watch Taehyung suffer.

"Yoongi..." Taehyung whispers to himself suddenly, heart full of love for the man. "Oh my god. Namjoon, my Joon" he says again, eyes looking around as if in disbelief. "Jungkook.."

"How was Jungkook?" Daehan asks in curiosity, "How was that life?"

"It was..." Taehyung takes a second to think back. "It was everything. I clubbed. I had so many friends. I had a tattoo. Jungkook was, oh god, he was so.." Taehyung covers his face with his hands and thinks back "He was so kind. So fun, he was so good to me. We had the best life. We had such good friends but Jungkook was so fucking sweet. Just like I remember him in school".

"Did you have sex?"

"Yes we did have se-...wait. Why are you asking?"

"You left right after the sex right?"

"How the fuck do you know that?" the brunette questions, at last standing to his feet.

Daehan rolls his eyes fondly, "I told you I know everything. Don't ask my how I just do. You need to have sex in the life to fulfil it. You won't always leave after it, but it's a big factor on when you come back here to me".

"What does that have to do with anything though?"

"It's just one of the rules of the gallery. You have to sleep with them, if you don't then you'll stay there and stay there and stay there. But if you do that, the relationship will probably start failing. And that's not what we're here to do. We're here to find your love".

Taehyung takes a second to think, "Why didn't you tell me this earlier? It's conniving. Sly"

"Is it? Look you were bound to do it anyway, why should I have told you 'oh you gotta fuck'. It was going to happen. And also I didn't want you knowing in case you wouldn't do it with the next one".

Taehyung is angry. He doesn't like Daehan for doing this to him.

"Sleeping with them isn't that dire. Like, if you don't, things will go to shit. So don't feel pressure too"

"If I sleep with them will I leave right after? I hate that. I hate being so in love, feeling so euphoric and then fucking slipping away"

Daehan takes out his phone and starts typing on it, "It's not always after. It depends on the life. On the person. On you. There are so many factors. It isn't the reason you leave that life" he explains

"So if I choose not to sleep with the next person?"

"Taehyung I'm telling you it won't change anything apart from probably make the guy think you hate him. You need to enjoy the life. Stop focusing on the sex part so much. Live it, see how the guy it. Now if you had to choose, who would you pick?"

"Does it even fucking matter?"

"I'm curious".

"Jungkook. No. No, Namjoon. It has to be Namjoon he...oh fuck". Poor Taehyung covers his face with his hands and whines. These emotions were too confusing there were already three guys and he fucking loved them all. How was he meant to deal with emotions of three more? "Just let me die. Let me walk out of here and die"

"You still want to die?" Daehan questions.


"Then you for sure need to continue".

"I can't"

"You have to"

Taehyung moves to one of the walls, back pressed against it before sliding down onto the floor. "What part of I can't don't you understand".

"Then we'll sit here, like this, and days will pass but no time will actually pass for us. It's a waste Taehyung. Just get a fucking grip and select a decision".

The brunette looks up, right above him is where the decision painting is, almost as if it's laughing right at him.

Unwillingly, he gets to his feet and drags a finger over the next sentence.

If I moved to America with Daehan

He watches the letters shift, mouth already falling because he thought back to Jungkook. How much he loved him, and how terrible he felt for Namjoon and Yoongi at the fact that he ended up loving a third person. He was obsessed with Namjoon. His smart, funny Namjoon.

And then Yoongi, who asked him to marry him, Yoongi who was so witty. Jungkook...who was love and kindness personified. Jungkook whom he adored.

Ah fuck, how was he meant to do another life? He doesn't have a choice though, because a painting flies right in front of his face

Gold frame, matte dark silver canvas.

His eyes close but once they open he's in a home. With someone sleeping soundly right next to him.

But what was that noise?

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