The Successful

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Taehyung was currently standing in front of a mirror in what he could only assume was a hotel bathroom. It was way too clean, neat and fancy in here.

"What is this" Taehyung whispers to himself, eyes scanning the bathroom with confusion. He remembered being at the Gallery. But now he was here. In a cream and beige coloured bathroom, with an oversized shower that could for sure fit 4 people in there. With ease.

He can smell cologne. It's strong and earthy. He lifted his wrist to his nose and inhaled softly. Ah. That was coming from him.

He finally takes the time to look at himself in the mirror and he's quite shocked at what he sees. He looks different. So painfully obviously different to how he normally does.

In this life, his hair is pure black and permed? A perm? He seriously got a perm. Wow. Anyway, he could see it was in a much better condition than his usual dark brown coconut hair cut. Back in his core life.

His face looks a little fuller but not chubby. Just like he has actually been eaten well as opposed to one meal a day with snacks here and there. He looks, dare he say, handsome. He's impressed at the reflection looking back at him.

Could he have really looked like this, if he hadn't come out to his parents? Strange. It was ridiculous even, to think that if he had made a different choice somewhere in his life he could have ended up somewhere else.

Wait, speaking of somewhere else. Taehyung didn't know where he was. What hotel, what city, what country even.

Also, what about the person he was meant to fall in love with? Was he here already? Was he meant to live this life and then stumble into him like any other person would?

Taehyung realised he definitely had more questions for Daehan when he went back to the Dusk Gallery.

"Taehyung?" A voice suddenly called out to him, and Taehyung freezes in his spot. Oh my god. Who is that. He's been placed in this world, this reality, with absolutely no freaking clue of the life he was leading.


"You almost ready? We have to go soon".

"Uh.." he looked ready. This was adequate right? After all he was wearing some kind of fancy black shirt and an even fancier, really obnoxiously loud floral blazer. Shit where were they going? Who was he going with! "Sure, I think I'm ready. Where are we going again?"

He hears a laugh on the other side of the door. And it's endearing almost, but nonetheless he would really like an answer because honestly he didn't know how to navigate around this life.

"My speech. We have to be down at the hall in like 20 minutes!"

"Right, right". A speech, huh. He'd need to figure more of the story out as time went on. But the one thing Taehyung knew right now is that he couldn't stay in this bathroom forever. He had to 'play house' in some sense of the word, right?

He had to live this life. After all this could be one of his possibilities. Well this person behind the dark wooden door could be. That person could be his person. Might as well meet him...

Taehyung takes a long inhale to steady himself. He hadn't felt this nervous in a long while, but he also knew that he had to act normal around this person. He had to pretend that he had been part of this life since the beginning.

So he heads towards the door, and turns the door knob at a painfully slow pace, like he is readying himself.

When the door finally opens, he can see that he was right. They were in a hotel room and a big one at that. With a large king sized bed right in the middle, a massive window to the right with a view of the city below. They were quite high up. Perhaps this was one of the biggest, best suites. As his eyes scan they finally fall upon a figure.

The man is also dressed quite smart. With a black blazer, and a black turtle neck. Taehyung is almost too afraid to look any higher, too afraid to see his face. What if he wasn't attracted to him? The him in this life must have to some extent or surely he wouldn't have ended up with him.

He didn't know whether they had been together for a week, a year, or ten. He knew nothing. And as he was lost in his thoughts again, the man had enough time to turn around.


Tae's brown eyes flicker towards the man. He finally gets a chance to look at him.

And he's...

Ridiculously handsome.

His lips are pink and big, plump. His hair has been dyed blonde and styled back. It's slightly longer in the back, almost mullet like and yet he rocks it. His face is slightly rounder in shape but he's enough to make Taehyung stare. Which honestly doesn't help right now.

"Taehyung, what's wrong? What's the matter?" the nameless man steps forward and places his hand on Taehyung's arm, looking at him with genuine worry.

"N-nothing. No, no. Nothing. Don't worry. Just nervous about your speech".

The blonde lets out a breathless chuckle and Taehyung is almost sure his knees were about to buckle. He looks very handsome when he smiles. "Should I be nervous then? If you're feeling nervous for me. Don't think I'll do well?"

"No! No, no that's not what I meant at all. Just you know like, giving speeches and all. Most people get really anxious about going on stage in front of..."

"500 people"

"500 people" Taehyung repeats, eyes widening at the image of a crowd of faces, all watching the nameless man. "Wow"

"It's cute though. Don't worry about that sweetie. I don't get nervous. Not after doing the first twenty-five"

"You've done over twenty-five speeches?"

At the question the blonde quirks his brow, and the hand which so far had been resting on Taehyung's arm now moved to cup his cheek instead. Taehyung's eyes unintentionally widen from the touch. "Are you feeling okay? Bumped your head or anything when you came out the shower?"

"Nope. No, no. I didn't. I'm fine. I'm sorry. Maybe I'm just super nervous when I don't need to be".

"Yeah" nameless man chuckles out, still with a minimal look of concern on his face. "Don't you worry sweetie. I got this. Half of my career is giving speeches. And I have you there by my side so I'm not nervous. Promise. I'll ace it"

"I know you will" Taehyung replies, trying to bring back some normalcy in the conversation because he knew that right now, he was for sure royally messing up. He was just new to this life! Had no idea what to do, where he was, who he was really. So he needed to piece it all together slowly.

"Here". Suddenly he's given a lanyard of some sorts with a photo and a name. As well as the time and date of the 'speech'.

It read : Kim Namjoon

Ah. Namjoon. That must be the blonde's name. The photo of him on the little insert inside of the lanyard proved to Taehyung that yes he was right. His 'boyfriend', maybe, was Kim Namjoon.

"To get in there. Obviously. You've done these with me before"

"Uh-huh" the raven haired replies with a nervous smile. "Of course. Should...should we get going?"

"Sure!" Namjoon exhales out a big breath and goes to straighten out invisible wrinkles on his jacket before spreading his arms. "How do I look?"

"Like a million bucks" Taehyung blurts out, but it's the truth.

Namjoon can't hide a smile that begins forming on his lips, and before Taehyung realises what's happening, the blonde leans in and pecks his lips.

It's so terribly casual, and normal and quick that Namjoon obviously sees it as the norm. But Taehyung hasn't kissed anyone in years.

At least in his core life. He tries super freaking hard not to react too much at the kiss. After all he seriously does not want to give this Namjoon any more reason to doubt Taehyung's sanity.

So instead he let's out a shaky breath, followed by a smile "Let's get going then".

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