Livin' It Up

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Taehyung stood in the middle of the club, bodies surrounding him, the music blaring, just like the first night he had got here. This time though he was very aware of his surroundings and who he was here with.

They had been here for maybe an hour, and Taehyung drank a few drinks to help get himself to a good stage. One where he wasn't embarrassed to dance or to have fun.

So now he was in the middle of the floor, dancing along to a song, and cheering along with everyone else when the beat dropped.

At one point he looked over to where the rest of his friends were. He remembered some of their names already. There was the blonde, bambam, who he remembered from the first night. There was a tall guy called Jaehyun, another called Mingyu who danced like his life depended on it. And then a few more guys he really needed to remember. After all in this life, they were all really good friends.

He could see how much fun all of them were having, and it was actually so exhilarating. He felt so free and so alive.

Taehyung allowed his body to move to the beats of the song, dancing when needed, and jumping when needed. He had a bandana in his hair which helped to keep it out of the way and prevent it from getting sweaty. Unlike for Mingyu, who was a total sweaty mess right now.

Taehyung is loving this. He is living.

Finally, he's living.

At some point he feels a pair of hands on his hips and breath on his neck. He quickly gazes behind him, and recognises the tattoos and man bun. That's his tattooed, man bunned man.

He smiles although Jungkook can't see it, and continues moving his hips to the beat. Jungkook seems to like it, because his hold on Tae's hips tightens, and he begins pressing kisses to his neck.

"Oh get a rooooom!" Bambam, calls out, immediately standing between the pair and chuckling to himself, nose scrunching from the laughter. They have all had a few to drink.

"Good idea, Jaehyunie has a room" Jungkook retorts back to Bambam.

"Perks of being an idol huh" Bambam replies back, wiggling his eyebrows. "Private rooms, let's go".

"Wait, wait I want to dance" Taehyung shouts over the music, continuing with the moves.

"Can't do Bam, my boy wants to dance!" Jungkook laughs out, motioning for Bambam to go to the room with the guys if they wanted to.

Taehyung happily continues on, the song begins to build and he turns to be able to face Jungkook at last. His wrapped his arms around Jungkook's shoulders and moves nonstop, to which Jungkook smiles. He adores Taehyung. He loves seeing him having fun. He would do absolutely anything for this man.

The song builds on, and the beat is soon about to drop. Once it does the room erupts in cheers and shouts and Taehyung takes that moment to rest his head back and look towards the ceiling.

Time seems to slow down for him, everything begins to move at a snails pace, the jumping bodies are slow now, the lights turn off and on at a much slower speed. Even Taehyung's blinking was slow. He looks to the ceiling and realises that the only thing he can currently hear is his own heavy breath. It's thick, heavy, so loud, and very slow, but that's just the effect of this whole time slowing down thing.

It almost sounds as if he's under water, listening to the slow pace of his inhales and exhales.

Taehyung turns and looks at his surroundings, everything still moving in slow motion. Including Jungkook who was currently rocking out to a song. Loose hair strands would slowly fall forward when his head did, and then fall back after. Taehyung watched, as the love of this life, lived.

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