Brutal Reality

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"No" he says the second he realises that he's back at the gallery.

Daehan is somewhere in the corner, sitting on a random chair scrolling through his phone. When he hears Taehyung's voice he looks up and smiles. "Oh hey. You're back".

"No!" Taehyung shouted, going to one of the paintings on the wall and placing both of his palms by it. It was the painting that took him into the life with Namjoon. "No! Why am I back here?" he shouts in anger, eyes darting to his cousin.

"I told you this would happen" he replies nonchalantly.

"No! I want to go back! I want him! I want Namjoon!"

Daehan sighs, pockets his phone, and then proceeds to make his way closer to his panicked cousin. "Tae, I told you. You're going to come back here and experience all of the six lives. I can't just let you pick after one. Doesn't work that way".

Taehyung's breathing gets a little erratic. He had such a perfect life there. Namjoon was successful. He was successful. They loved each other so much. They had a nice quiet life in Seoul, with an amazing apartment. Sometimes they got to travel to other cities. But god DAMN they had so much love there.

He had never had that before. Now that he had a taste he wanted more. He wanted Namjoon.

"Hyung" Taehyung says, voice dripping in desperation. He walks over to Daehan and places his hands on his shoulders. "He's the one I want, I choose him. Take me back. Please. Please".

Daehan does feel pity for him. He can only imagine what kind of a nice life Taehyung had experienced there. But the thing is he couldn't do anything about this, even if he wanted to. He places his hand on the distraught boys cheek and sighs. "Tae, you have to experience all six lives. But remember, you get to choose at the end of this. If Namjoon ends up being your one, then you can choose that. Remember though the life won't come with him. It'll just be Namjoon. You're seeing the love you could have. Not the life, the job, the money".

Ah yeah, Taehyung forgot that part, but either way, "That's fine! I just want him. I want him".

"And maybe you can have him. But now you need to choose another life. Based off of another decision okay?"

How was he meant to forget Namjoon so quickly? He had questions first

"Just...tell me. What's happening to that Namjoon? That reality exists somewhere in the universe right?"

Daehan confirms with a nod.

"In that case, if I'm gone. Is my body there? Did I die there? In bed with him?"

"No, no, no" Daehan chuckles "The Taehyung who belongs in that life is there. He just...would have had like a little confusion moment. You know when you walk into a room and you forgot why you walked in there? It'll be like that. No one will know any different. Namjoon is still in that life and happy"

Well at least that was some consolation. "Will I remember him in the next life?"

"Maybe, but not the love you felt for him, you'll only remember the love when you're back here at the Dusk Gallery".

"So I need to go into another life now? Live there, with someone new?"


Taehyung pulls out his phone and looks at the time. The clock still reads 21:30. No time has passed.

"Fine" he huffs out softly, but his heart was yearning to be back with Namjoon.

Daehan motions over to the decision painting, inviting Taehyung over. "Choose something else".

Taehyung walks back over to the black painting with the six sentences. The first, the one he has already lived, has changed from silver lettering to blue. He gazes at the words, just remembering the good life he had. God he loved Namjoon. No he loves him.

He doesn't want another life with another man. He wants his loving, caring, sweet Namjoon.

But Daehan wouldn't allow it.

He looks down between the sentences and with a shaky hand selects the next one. He just has to get through all of these lives, and then he can choose his Namjoon.

If I had completed an Art Degree

The words begin swirling once more around the black canvas, and Tae watches carefully, with quite a heavy heart. He was worried that somehow he would remember Namjoon. He loved him. Truly.

The painting wooshes across the wall and suddenly a new painting, with the gold frame and a grey canvas, looking like it was covered in diamonds appears.

Taehyung takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, bracing himself for the new life.

He's now standing outside somewhere in the countryside.

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