Family Man

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A week he's been in this life. And my god it was so different.

The baby was at a cute age sure, but he was a handful. The nightly wake ups, the need to entertain him and keep an eye on him at all times. Minho was a ball of energy and apparently loved spending time with his dads.

Jin... Jin was something else. He looked like a model, but his personality was so fun and in a way annoying. Annoying in the best way. He joked to the point that Taehyung would end up crying with laughter, his dad jokes earned some eye rolls. He was very energetic, always dancing around the house, and even when he cooked. He was a great cook.

Taehyung was really appreciative of that because he could not cook to save his life.

Jin was sweet, and caring, and the kids were a dream. So Taehyung, in some way, took a liking to this life. But some stresses came with it too. He didn't want to mess up, he didn't want to do something wrong with the baby or say something inappropriate in front of Minho.

As always, snooping followed, where Taehyung was able to find out more information about this life. About Jin and himself.

They were both teachers, with Jin currently taking an extended paternity leave so he was home 24/7, and Taehyung worked part time for now. Like Minho said, he taught Art, and Jin taught singing.

It was nice to see that in this life too, he managed to do something he loved, even if it was in the form of teaching.

He and Jin got married when Taehyung was 25, with Minho coming at 28 and the baby at the age of 33. Finding out that he was 33 was a shock to Taehyung. This was the oldest he had been yet in a life.

It also turned out that Minho was biologically Jins' and Hyejun was biologically his. The little chunk was his. The night Taehyung found that out he grabbed both of the kids, sat on the couch, and cuddled them like there was no tomorrow.

In his core life he never thought of himself as a family man. He didn't hate kids but he never thought he would have them. Having his own two here, well, he fell in love with them terribly quickly.

There was one issue though. Taehyung remembered Daehan in the Gallery, talking about sex. Taehyung was worried that if he was to sleep with Jin, this life would disappear. And he wasn't ready to lose this life. No, he loved it too much.

He loved watching Jin sing as he made breakfast, he loved watched TV with Minho by his side, he loved sitting in the chair with the baby in his arms as they exchanged words and, well noises, from Hyejun.

He wanted to spend more time with Jin. It was incredibly easy to love him. He was too sweet of a person.

Today both of the kids were actually staying with Jin's brother, Seokjoong. The two were able to have some time to themselves so Jin suggested a date night.

Taehyung spent a long time trying to figure out an outfit and how to style his hair. It was longer than normal so he didn't have experience in dealing with the length. He was nervous for some reason, wanting to do well and not to mess up.

It also didn't help that his husband looked like a movie star when going out for a date.

Jin ended up taking him to a lovely restaurant where the two drank a little and let loose. Without the kids for the night they could relax. Jin kept making Taehyung laugh that he even had to tell to him to stop or else the people in the restaurant would look at him funny.

And on the way home Jin was a gentleman, holding the car door open for him, making sure he walked through doors first. When they stepped back inside of their home, Taehyung was pressed against the door immediately, with Jin's large hands placed on his cheeks.

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