Could It Be?

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Taehyung has been in this life for a few weeks now.

They had gone back to their apartment in Seoul and basically lived their lives as they must have done before Taehyung appeared in it.

The apartment itself was...massive.

In one of those really tall fancy buildings, ones that Taehyung could only ever dream of even stepping foot into. But now this was his reality. He lived in a fancy apartment with his fancy boyfriend who had a fancy job, and even he himself had a job.

Oh yeah. In this life apparently he was a room designer. An odd choice sure but it's what he decided on. It paid ridiculously well, and also it meant the whole home was basically his design. He doesn't know whether he agrees with this Taehyung's bold choices but he'll live.

It was so awkward when he had to go back to work. He doesn't know the first thing about decorating but when someone wanted him out to design their living room he basically had to make it up on the spot. Clients looked at him a little funny at first but he somehow managed to pass it off as a headache, or lack of sleep.

He got to know Namjoon over the course of those weeks too.

Turns out Namjoon loves to read, loves to take care of his plants, he's very relaxed and calm. He's a little bit nerdy but turns out Taehyung kind of adores that.

He doesn't cook very well and neither does Taehyung which means that a lot of the time they go out for really fancy dinners. Not that he's complaining.

Namjoon loves to cuddle, loves to hold Taehyung in bed until the later hours of the morning. He also loves stroking his black hair back, and kissing his forehead until Taehyung wakes up.

Taehyung has also discovered that Namjoon loves having his shoulders rubbed, he loves it when Taehyung hugs him from behind when he's sitting and he loves the way Taehyung sings when he's in the shower.

Oh that's right, Taehyung has become so happy in this life that he now sings in the shower. That's the kind of person he is now.

It was strange at first. Adjusting to all of this. After all it was a completely new life and it was strange to think that all of this stemmed from the decision to not come out to his parents.

What he discovered in this life is that even though he never did that back at the age of 15, either way his parents found out he was gay when he got with Namjoon. But apparently Namjoon's success as well as his own meant that neither parent seemed to have a massive problem with that fact.

Sure they weren't clapping their hands and cheering about the fact their son was gay but as it turns out there were quite frequent texters. They checked in on the pair quite regularly and Tae found it strange that in this world he had an alright relationship with his parents.

The thing is, for the few weeks he has been here there is one thing Taehyung hasn't done yet.

He's told him he loves Namjoon several times, because the truth was the more time he spent in this world, the more he felt it. The more normal and familiar it became, as if it was the truth the whole time. For those 5 years they had been together. He had absolutely no problems telling Namjoon how much he adores him, or listening to his boyfriend swoon about him in return. He loved it.

But the fact still remained that Taehyung had yet to sleep with him. Every time the opportunity arose Taehyung freaked, and made up some excuse like he has a headache, or his phone would vibrate and he just had to answer that call.

It was fear in a way. He wasn't a virgin. Obviously. In either world. But in some way this would feel like the first time to him with Namjoon. He doesn't know what's stopping him really.

Namjoon is so sweet, and kind and loving. He treats Taehyung with such care and respect that more than once Taehyung had found himself lying in bed, fully awake at 3 am thinking about how the Taehyung in his life was utterly loved. Taehyung felt so happy, like his heart kept swelling every single time he woke up to Namjoon.

He hadn't felt this way in years and that only made him more grateful. He became...very affectionate himself. Found himself draping his arms over Namjoon's shoulders, or sitting in his lap when the other was writing.

Although he really should stop that, because once Namjoon is in a flow, it's hard for him to get back into it. Yet every time Taehyung ended up in his lap, Namjoon pushed the laptop away with a smile on his face and happily nuzzled into Tae's chest whilst Taehyung stroked his blonde hair back.

He could easily picture himself with Namjoon. The way he made him feel was indescribable.

So that's why Taehyung decided that tonight would be the night he would allow himself to take that step. After all sex is a big part of a relationship, and if this didn't go right, if it was weird and awkward then could he stay?

He needed to know. Needed to see if this thing he could have with Namjoon could truly be perfect. And also, god, he really wanted to sleep with him. It's not like his body was dead. Well

Maybe back in the real world it was.

But Namjoon was a very handsome man, and Taehyung began yearning for his touch.

Yes, Taehyung decided.

Tonight he would sleep with Namjoon.

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