Figuring Things Out

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Soon enough Taehyung was sitting in a oversized room full of smartly dressed people. At the front of the room there was a stage, with a screen behind it, and on the stage itself stood a board with the words.

Happiness and Its True Meaning.

Figuring Things Out

By Kim Namjoon

Taehyung tried to understand what was happening but there was no point really since the events were bound to unfold and give him a peek into this life. This life that technically was his. A life that he could have had if he didn't come out to his parents.

"Are you excited?" Someone, a woman, sitting next to him, asks. Her face thin and long, her hair was half up, and definitely dyed.

"Uhm, yes?"

"Well you don't sound so sure" she chuckles.

"No, no. I am. I'm excited for the speech"

"God me too. No matter how many times I hear them, I always love listening to the next one".

He couldn't help but eye the woman. Who was she? A fan? A friend?

He noticed she had a planner placed neatly in her lap, with a pen that had little sunflowers on it. Her neatly manicured hands rested on top of the planner, whilst she looked towards the stage.

They were both in the front row. Taehyung assumed it was the perk of dating the speaker, and maybe everyone else just got lucky, or arrived early to get a good seat.

Before anyone could say anything else the room erupted into applause, causing Taehyung to look around the room. Every single person was clapping and it was because Namjoon had finally made his way onto the stage.

Humbly so, he bows to the crowd, smiling so much that his dimples come out. Taehyung smiled at the sight. He wondered if the Taehyung in this life fell in love with those dimples. Cos he could imagine that being a very easy thing to do.

Namjoon introduces himself and then grabs a book. A book which has the same title as the little board on the stage.

So as Namjoon begins talking Taehyung slowly realises a few things. Namjoon is an author. Of fictional novels as well as life books. Motivational books. Like this one here. He wrote a book about happiness and then travels the country, giving motivational speeches which people apparently cannot get enough of.

And Taehyung can see why. Namjoon has such an amazing presence on stage. He's confident, and so sure of his word. He's passionately talking about a subject that he seems to know a lot on. He definitely has had to have experienced happiness. And lots of it.

That makes Taehyung think back to his life and how completely and utterly miserable it was. He had no light of happiness in it whatsoever. No friends, no pets, barely any family.

He never took up any hobbies because he didn't see the point. He almost never left his house. As he listens to Namjoon quote things from his book, and passionately describe his happiness he can't help but feel a little inadequate.

Like he has truly fucked up his chances of having a happy life. He sinks a little in the blue chair and contemplates the things he could have done differently.

Namjoon is very expressive. Talks with his hands a lot. So he gestures with both of them as he speaks "There's a quote. That I really like. It goes like this. I think we like to complicate things when it is really quite simple. Find what it is that makes you happy and you're set. Promise. Now sure that's easier said than done".

The crowd becomes a sea of chuckles, and Taehyung looks up at the stage at the blonde. He seems to be making some sense sure. But Taehyung's problem was exactly that. He hadn't found the thing that makes him happy.

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