The Exhilarating

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When Taehyung opened his eyes he realised that he didn't actually want to do that. Wherever he was, the sun was too bright and it hurt to look anywhere.

So he groans a little from it and uses his hand to put shade over his eyes before trying again. The sight he's met with literally takes his breath away. He sits up from his seat and looks around at the water in front of him. It's crystal clear, so bright blue, with a few tiny islands, and rock like structures off into the distance. The air is so humid, but Taehyung can already imagine how amazing the water must feel when you feel this hot.

He looks to his right and the beach just continues as far as the eye can see. Behind him, a lot of trees with a path that most likely leads to somewhere.

"What are you looking for baby?" a voice asks, making Taehyung jolt. He hadn't looked to his left yet, and that's exactly where another man was, resting on his own sun lounger. He's gorgeous. Built really well, with his brown hair, although un-styled, somehow resting nicely on his forehead.

The main thing that Taehyung notices is he looks kind. It sounds dumb sure, but something about his eyes just makes Taehyung feel safe.

"Nothing" Taehyung is quick to reply. "Just though I heard something".

He stares at the man a little longer than intended. Something in his mind was telling him that he's seen this man before. This wasn't someone super random, someone he's never met before. But he couldn't quite place his finger on it.

"Do I have something on my face?" the brunette questions, and when he smiles, Taehyung's heart absolutely melts.

"No, no. I'm just looking cos you're so handsome".

"You sure you don't have heat stroke?" he questions with that same big smile.

"I do feel quite hot actually".

The brunette is off his lounger in an instant, grabbing a pair of sunglasses and what must have been his straw hat to place on Taehyung's head instead.

"Oh it's okay I just-..."

"Shut up and wear it so that you don't pass out on me. And drink more" the brunette warns him, leaning down to kiss his cheek briefly. "We can take a dip in the water soon, whaddaya say?"

Taehyung looks over at the ocean, it was practically calling for him to come in.

"Sounds like the best idea ever".

"Let's just wait a second to make sure you're okay".

"I'm okay I promise" Taehyung tells the brunette. He wanted so badly to call him by his name, but he didn't know it. He tried to think once more of where he knew him from. He's definitely seen him before. Was he another student from when he was young? Was he someone he knew through his mum? Was he someone from an old job? Wait. Job. Something started ringing a bell in his head.

"Ho..Hojun?" he whispers to himself, trying to think of the name that he associated with this man. This was the guy who asked him out for coffee a few times whilst he worked at the store. That had to be him right? Taehyung remembered turning him down because at the time he had not been in the mood at all. He remembered seeing that same guy again and that time around he actually really liked him. He was funny, and kind, and made Taehyung feel at ease in the 5 minute conversation they had before his manager had him go off to do a task.

But when he was asked out for coffee yet again, Taehyung said no. Because he was a miserable asshole and never said yes to anything. Thats how he ended up alone and dead. Well almost dead.

"Hoseok?" he whispers again.

"Mm?" the man turns to him expectantly.

"Oh I just.."

"You said my name. You okay?"

Ah. So it was Hoseok

"Although I do have to say you rarely call me that anymore" the brunette chuckles. "What's changed?"

"Aren't I allowed to call you by the name your mother gave you?" Taehyung teases, looking at him with a big smile.

"Well if Hobi is suddenly demoted then sure call me Hoseok"

Taehyung was a quick learner.

"You're right, Hobi is slightly better"

"Ya, what are you saying about my name!".

Taehyung puts his hands up in surrender and shakes his head "No! No, it's not bad. Oh my god is that how it came across".

Hoseok got up on his feet and started to make tickle like motions with his fingers "You've gone and done it now Tae. Run, before I catch you". Hoseok starts to make this screaming like noise, almost like a kid before he's running towards Taehyung.

The blond (who didn't know he was blond yet) let out a little yell and started running off in the opposite direction, with his toes digging into the white sand.

Hobi continued making those little teasing, screaming noises as he chased after Taehyung.

He had yet to figure out where they were. How long they were together for. Why they were here. But for now, he would allow himself this wonderful day on the beach. Only a fool would waste such an opportunity.

At one point Hoseok had caught up to Taehyung, and wrapped his his arms around him as the other still tried to get away, laughing the whole time. 

"Let's go in the water" Taehyung said with a smile, its blueness calling out to him. It was way too hot to not enjoy the coolness the ocean had to offer.

"Whatever you say" Hobi told him with that kind smile of his. Taehyung could imagine himself being really in love with this man. He was lovely back when he had asked him out for coffee. In fact Taehyung had almost agreed. And man how he wished he did. 

The pair walk towards the water together, and as soon as Hobi's feet touch the blue he lets out a little screech. Taehyung realises that this noise must be a common occurrence for him. It's cute. It sounds happy. And he liked the idea of his partner being happy. In some way he hated not knowing much. His curious mind needed more info. But he had no way of finding out right now, seeing as he wasn't home. This wasn't their home right?

Taehyung walks into the ocean, slowly it reached his chest and he let out a long exhale. The coolness of the water felt wonderful on his warm body.

Hobi walks up behind him and wraps his arms around Taehyung's shoulders, cheek pressed against his too. "You excited for tomorrow?"

"What's tomorrow?"

"The trip"


"Kulap is taking us around the area in the little boat. To explore. It was your idea remember"

"Of course I remember" Taehyung lies, hands now on top of Hobi's arms. "Far or..?"

"Just around here a little. Maybe another little island. Some markets. Thailand is beautiful isn't it" he feels Hobi whisper into his ear, with a small kiss following right after. His lips feel so soft on his skin that Taehyung's breath hitches a little. 

"It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen" Taehyung whispers back, eyes looking out into the horizon, where the clear water goes as far as the eye can see.

"Seeing all of this with you is such a perfect life Taehyungie". 

Taehyung turns around in the water, now looking right at the handsome brunette. "I wouldn't do it with anyone else but you".

He was brave sure. He barely knows him. But he does know he needs to commit himself to a life as best as he could. He would hate to be awkward. He doesn't remember this well now, but in the Namjoon life he held back a little at first. He felt bad for wasting time. 

So the quicker he felt like he belonged, the quicker he felt love towards the man. So of course he was going to enjoy this, but mostly he wanted to commit himself to Hoseok. 

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