Here We Go Again

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When Taehyung opens his eyes again, and he's back in the gallery, he doesn't scream this time around. He cries. Silently, and to himself.

"Oh my god you're back. Thank god" Daehan says, panic evident in his voice.

Taehyung doesn't look up from where he's staring at the ground. A few tears fall, hitting the floor and forming tiny puddles that soon disappear on their own.

Daehan walks up to Taehyung and shakes him by the shoulders. "Fucking hell Tae, you're back right? You're here?".

Taehyung looks up to his cousin, eyes watery and sad. "What do you mean?"

"Look around".

Taehyung does just that. The lights inside of the gallery are flickering, the paintings are going crazy and vibrating angrily on the walls. Some are skewed, almost as if an earth quake had just passed.

"What happened?" he asks in confusion.

Daehan pulls out his phone, the phone he sits on whilst Taehyung spends his life in the life he's thrust into. The screen is flickering, looking broken.

"I thought you weren't coming back from that life. Everything started going bezerk in here. My phone started breaking, the lights were fucking up. The floor shook. Like I was convinced you were about to be in that life. Which is weird, not allowed, and shouldn't be happening. Wait why are you crying?".

Taehyung shakes his head, not wanting to talk about it just yet. He wipes at his eyes and sighs. His babies. His husband. Fuck. FUCK.

"You know what comes next right?" Daehan says, looking around the room as the lights come back on. He didn't understand why the gallery had been freaking out so much.

"The pain" Taehyung whispers out, "The past loves. All 3 of them. Cos currently all that I feel is love for Jin and just Jin".

"How was that life?".

The question itself has Taehyung's bottom lip jutting out unintentionally.

"Ah should I not have asked?"

"It was perfect. We had kids. Jin was funny, and caring. He loved me so much".

"Wow kids huh? How many?"

"Two boys".

"Sounds great"

"They were" Taehyung whispers, grabbing a handful of his hair out of frustration.

"I was wond-..." but Daehan is cut off because Taehyung is on the floor in that next second.

He clutches onto his heart, feeling soaring pain right in his chest, that seems to then travel through out his whole body. It burns, it stings, it's the most pain he has ever felt. He's screaming, groaning out in pain from it all. He can feel the heat, as if his blood is on fire.

And then suddenly, relief.

Taehyung stands up, on shaky legs however, and heads over to one of the walls for leverage.

He has a second to think, and of course as soon as he does, he remembers all of the lives he has lived so far, and all of the love he felt in them.

Namjoon, Yoongi, Jungkook and Jin.

God fuck it all hurt. It wasn't the same kind of pain like he had just experienced. Not physical agony. But yes his heart was hurting. In other ways.

"Who would you choose?" Daehan asks out of curiosity, eyes glued to his phone to see if it was fixed now that everything else seemed to be back to normal.

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