The Exciting

529 28 19

Taehyung takes a long breath in and then gasps out right after.

He feels like he's squished. Like he's drowning. Like he genuinely can't breathe.

It takes a second for him to realise where he is (sort of) and to not panic. It must have been some kind of club, because he was right in the middle of a large crowd of bodies, all dancing, screaming, cheering and wooping.

The music was so loud too, practically making the floor shake.

Taehyung can't focus on a lot at this point, in fact he feels a little overwhelmed to be thrust into such a world all of a sudden. It would have been nice to have a warning.

Taehyung starts to make his way through the crowd, trying to be polite by asking people if he can get past. Of course he doesn't know which way to head since it was too dark, too loud, and too full to see anything. He ends up at the bar which has no squished crowd, only a few people here and there.

He sat on one of the stools and let out a few deep breaths, only now realising how hot he was.

"Hyung!" someone calls out, and Taehyung doesn't pay any attention, still looking near to the ground and breathing.

"Taehyungie!". That got his attention. Taehyung looks up, and tries to locate the person who was calling out to him. The person had actually just now managed to climb through the crowds, a big smile on his face when he was 'released'. "Hey" the man says.

Taehyung looks at the man. He's blonde, has his hair styled up, ridiculously long legs, and plump lips. That's all he can focus on for now because the blonde speaks again. "You feeling okay? Saw you kind of...have a moment there".

"I'm fine" he tells him with a smile, trying to seem like he truly was. "Just got a little hot. Couldn't breathe too well".

The blonde nods in understanding and runs a hand through his slightly sweaty hair. He's handsome. Taehyung doesn't doubt that. He began to wonder just how much he would end up loving him. What kind of life the two shared.

"Let me go get him for you. You know he'd want to know if you're feeling unwell.

"Get who?" Taehyung asks in confusion. This in turn made the blonde quirk his brow at Tae

"You sure you're okay? Didn't get hit in the head by someone accidentally?"

Taehyung smiles dismissively. "I'm good. Promise. Just-.."

"I'll be right back!" and the blonde disappears back into the crowd, leaving a very confused Taehyung behind. Even if he was to call out to him, there would be no way he could hear him. Not over that booming music.

Taehyung took a second to think about how different the start of this life was compared to the previous one. Definitely the total opposite.

A few moments later there's a hand on his shoulder, and breath by his ear. "You okay, hyung?" a voice says, needing to speak loudly over all of the noise.

Taehyung turns so that he can see who it actually is that's talking to him. And for the first time since this whole thing has started, he recognises the person.

Taehyung's eyes widened at the sight. He couldn't believe it.


"Yeah?" The black haired boy speaks back, placing his hand on Taehyung's warm forehead.

"What are you doing here?"

"Hyung, have you had too much to drink?" he questions with a smile, his bunny teeth showing and Taehyung couldn't tear his eyes away. "Think it's time we leave huh?"

Taehyung doesn't respond. He's still in shock, like a deer caught in headlights, just completely staring at the man before him.

Jungkook looks...completely different to the way he did when he was 15. He's taller, musclier, his hair is longer and tied into a messy low bun. He has tattoos. And many of them, all over his arm, to his shoulder, and even on his hand. Taehyung is scanning him like a scanner, trying to take in every bit of information in. Was this really him?

Jungkook felt a little worried at the way Taehyung was looking at him, but in the end he put it down to the alcohol in his system. "Yeah, definitely time to go home cutie. Come on. Let's get you home".

Taehyung allows Jungkook to help him up and they begin to make their way out of the club.

"See you on Saturday!" the blonde calls out to the pair, waving from where he was still standing by the bar.

"See you Bambam! Behave!" Jungkook calls out to him too.

The duo end up getting a taxi home, but Taehyung was so in thought and so surprised at who he was with that he didn't even listen to the location or how long it would take.

Instead he kept on looking at Jungkook like he was an alien. "God hyung you'd think this is the first time you're seeing me. How much have you had to drink"

"Not...Not a lot" Taehyung replies, taking in a few heavy breaths. His body was definitely telling him something different, he has definitely had a few.

"Sure. Liar. I saw you doing shots with the guys. You can't lie to me I can see right through you". Jungkook placed his hand on Taehyung's forehead like he had done at the club and then hummed. "Mm. Super hot. On top of your hotness anyway, you must be burning" he teases, and at last Taehyung manages a little smile.

Was Jungkook his love in this life?

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